> Australians,is this what Tim Flannery based his 'end of the world' climate change theories on?

Australians,is this what Tim Flannery based his 'end of the world' climate change theories on?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
ANYTHING alarmst Flannery would us it

remember him saying the dams would neveer be full again? he is a alarmist that only the gullable believe

One is an ancient myth and the other a modern one.

Flannery has some academic achievement but then again he said this:

<<< That a failure to act on climate change may eventually force the creation of a global carbon dictatorship, which he calls the "Earth Commission for Thermostatic Control", to regulate carbon use across all industries and nations – a level of governmental intrusion that Flannery describes as "very undesirable">>>>

OK then, somebody get the rubber-room ready

Bingalee, how many of end of world claims has there been, so far, getting a bit tiresome. These people are attention seekers, wishing to big note themselves.

Can't find a reputable link to "Tim Flannery" and that he claimed an "end of the world", my guess is that you just made it up.

No, because he doesn't have any such "end of the world theories."

Just another lie from anti-science kooks who cannot tell the difference between science and fantasy.


BQ. if the world does end today,how come the sea hasn't risen to the Blue Mountains outside Sydney as he predicted?