> What natural disaster is most likely to occur where you live?

What natural disaster is most likely to occur where you live?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
Tornado, hurricane, tsunami, earthquake, blizzard, flood, volcano eruption, or something else.

Here it's probably blizzard or earthquake.

Blizzard, flood, tornado, and earthquake, in that order, I think.

Mmm, definitely earthquakes and tsunamis.

I live in Chile and we had a massive earthquake followed by a tsunami about three years ago and aftershocks have been occurring ever since. Luckily, I live in Santiago, so we'll never have a tsunami over here (not close to the sea) but earthquakes are pretty common.

My first one was the one I mentioned earlier on and whilst it happened I never thought it was an earthquake, I didn't know what one felt like! I was sleeping and the barbies on the shelves fell down on me! and my mum woke me up and then someone dragged me down the stairs lol. Anyway, everyone is pretty much used to them cause they happen so often.

Personally, I don't find them scary, but I have to admit that although I stay as calm as possible, my heart sort of like skips a beat and I'm left all jumpy and shaky afterwards. Besides, all buildings are supposed to resist earthquakes here, I feel safest when I'm home cause I know my house has all the proper safety measures but I think I'd probably freak out during a hurricane or a volcano eruption though, I'd die of a heart attack or something! lol

Tornadoes are rare in Connecticut but there was a bad one just across the boarder in Mass a few years ago.

Here in Texas, tornadoes occur the most of what you listed.

In Australia we already get severe droughts from time to time, which are predicted to get worse with climate change. We also have bushfires ever summer, which are also predicted to get worse. This summer was the hottest one on record!

Tornado, hurricane, tsunami, earthquake, blizzard, flood, volcano eruption, or something else.

Here it's probably blizzard or earthquake.