> How is earths energy budget effected by the greenhouse effect and global warming and albedo?

How is earths energy budget effected by the greenhouse effect and global warming and albedo?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
The "energy budget" means that the same amount of energy (heat) comes in as goes out over a long enough period of time. If the budget is not balanced: (in = out), the Earth either heats up: (in > out) or cools down (out < in). (1) Both the greenhouse effect affect the out going energy. The greenhouse effect (4) tends to decrease the rate at which energy leaves Earth by redirecting some of the escaping energy back to Earth (2), and the Albedo speeds it up by immediately reflecting 30 -35% of the incoming energy back to outer space before it gets absorbed as heat (3). Earth compensates for all this monkey business by speeding up her energy release as the temperature goes up, and slowing it down as she cools by way of black-body radiation (5) until the energy is balanced again. (6)

The greenhouse effect roughly accounts for 33 Kelvins (Peixoto, J.P. and Oort, A.H., Physics of Climate Springer, 1992, p. 118), or 14 Kelvins (Lindzen, R. S. (1994) Ann. Review Fluid Mech. 26, 353-379) of warming or some other amount depending on whose calculation you believe. The Albedo accounts for the loss of about a third of the heating we would otherwise have, and thus leaves 2/3 behind. Earth only has to radiate 2/3 as much as it would if the albedo were zero.

T^4 = 2/3(T black body)

If T = temperature of a black body = 1

T^4 = 2/3

T = 0.67^0.25 = 0.9

Temperature of Earth = 298 Kelvin

Temperature of Earth without albedo = 298/0.9 = 329 Kelvins

Albedo cools Earth (329 - 298) = 31 Kelvins.

However, the greenhouse effect includes more greenhouse gases than just CO2, and the greenhouse effect that CO2 has is largely saturated so that adding more CO2 to the atmosphere will not have much effect. (7) However, the atmosphere is not saturated with halocarbons. All of the recent warming (9) could be explained by the recent increase in halocarbons, (8)

Alarmists predicted that there would be no more snow in the UK (Mar 2000) http://www.independent.co.uk/environment...

and a melted Arctic Ice Cap (Jun 1972) http://pqasb.pqarchiver.com/csmonitor_hi...

as Earth warmed due to increasing CO2 in the atmosphere, thus dropping the albedo, and causing global temperatures to rise 2 kelvins by 2010. (May 1989) http://www.foxnews.com/scitech/2010/12/3...

It still snows in the UK a lot. There is still sea ice in the Arctic Ocean year round, but less of it. Global Average Temperatures rose 0.4 Kelvins between 1989 and 2010.

Albedo is the big effect, Albedo multiples the small variations in solar activity.

Co2 acts more as a moderating influence reducing extreme temperature swings.

Co2 increases with temperature as warm oceans give off more and reduces when they cool.

Mans increased Co2 output will have conflicting results, on one hand it will have a slight greenhouse effect on the other increase plant biomass and increase albedo, through increased transpiration and cloud formation.

The same way it always has been, regular changes to the Earths atmosphere are caused by the following.

CO2 has no measurable effect on the climate!. If anyone watched the recent series presented by Professor Brian Cox on the Solar system, and you knew anything about astronomy, you would see that the weather on Earth is affected by gravity, in exactly the same way as Io, a moon of Jupiter, is affected. Io is a solid lump of rock the same size as our moon, that due to gravitational forces, liquefies and causes volcanoes. The same applies to one of the moons of Saturn, the name of which I missed. EXACTLY the same forces that are causing the increased volcanic and earthquake activity here on Earth in the past 20 or so years due to the line up of the major planets and the Sun.

Albino (sic) means white. White bounces the Sun's energy back into space and wastes it. Black is better for the Earth. That's why nuns are black.