> GOBAL WARMING DENIERS, is any of ya actual scientists?

GOBAL WARMING DENIERS, is any of ya actual scientists?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
I am a CAGW skeptic who is a geologist. What are you? Hairdresser? Maybe a toe nail technician?

I find that deniers quote the 3% of scientists who disagree with man made global warming. I think these people need to do a little investigating, and see which groups support these studies. It's amazing how many times you can trace them right back to politicians and oil companies. They just use companies with different names, which throws off the reader. It's a whole slippery slope.

To All, I started my own personal study of climate change only to come across quite a few scientists who do study it. So, Here is Climate Chance for Dummies, 101.

The Mayans gave us a calendar based on the Axis of the Earth

A East European Scientist provided not only an understanding of that, but other cycles such as the earth is an elliptical cycle that gives the Earth Ice Ages for the last 1 million years, about 7 in all.

Bottom line is we are in a general global warming period that began in 1700 and will last until about 2700 and then it is about time somewhere in the next 500 years of a repeat of what took place in 1600 to 1700, near zero sunspot activity.

The famous IPCC is chaired by an Indian from Indian and If our government agrees, we will have to print $6 Billion a year for warming up India on the Equator. Dud.

The Chairman of the IPCC came into power in 2002 and by 2004, President Bush turned the USA over the IPCC. If you want a job in the USA, University or Core Curriculum, give your soul to the IPCC. YOU must use their data to keep your job.

So, back about 6 years with a Democrat controlled Congress there was a large push by environmentalists to shut down ranches and chicken farms so they could have clean water to kayak on. The breached dams, shut down manufacturing, fracking, etc and in some cases bought up valuable ranch land so buffalo could roam.

I guess they have never been hungry unless the was a run on the grocery store like what happened in D.C a few years ago.

Anyway, during the first Climate Change Conference in Copenhagen all the Climate Scientists you loved flew in on the private jets. The worst snow storm hit. Al Gore cancels out and the conference is moved to Warm Sunny Brazil where your heroes set up a table in the rising tide talking about climate change causing the oceans to rise. There are a lot of orifices that have to be filled before Limbaugh and Gore have to sell out their ocean from properties.

Bottom Line,

We are in a Global warming period that will resume in 2035.

We are in a short cooling period shutting down hurricane seasons, building the Arctic Ocean fed by the Antarctic Land Mass called the Atlantic Conveyor Belt.

The Arctic is expanding as the Antarctic is slowly releasing its cold water.

In 10,000 years we will return to another Ice Age.

If there is one man-made object that is increasing global warming it is the Aswad Dam in Egypt. It has slowed the amount of cool water the Atlantic Ocean.

So, I would give you my source, but Why should I give away 8 years of research to people who have no intention of getting out of their sandbox.

I got out of the sandbox when I was a 4 year old. There was a mud hole next door that needed some study.

Do your homework for a change and stack the wood high and long. My brother took my warnings and cut two core incase the present administrations' energy policies kill the grid.

A few, but some believe God will keep the Earth nice for them. There are scientific reasons to be skeptical, like what if the energy goes into the deep ocean and stays there? But no scientific reason at all to think that 90% of the climate people are wrong.

The Global Warming Deniers are so smart that they can memorize and parrot back the Billionaires' like on FOX and Lush. Facts don't bother these folks.

97% of climatologists accept that global warming is real. Some people claim that some scientists have been bought off. But, what is more plausible? Big oil and coal companies buying off 3% of climatologists or manufacturers of solar panels buying off 97% of climatologists.

And you do need to use your spell checker.

global warming is happening its called the greenhouse effect, the sooner you admit it the better, years from now antartica will be about 1/4 of the size it was before global warming whick means ALOT more water in the ocean.

Aren't we all...

It's like asking if we're all people.

And whats a gobal?