> Why is an icebreaker stuck in the Antarctic ice?

Why is an icebreaker stuck in the Antarctic ice?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
There are frequently several expeditions whose purpose is to highlight global warming, saying we are going to the North Pole. One such expedition was found to be faking their monitoring results. They end up getting stuck in the ice and putting themselves in great danger. Perhaps they shouldn't get their data from alarmists in the media. They probably thought they could jog to the North Pole, because there was now so little ice.

A boatload of warmers stuck in the ice proves to me the Deities overwhelming love of the pratfall humour.

This sort of thing usually happens after claims of total ice loss or that sort of thing. This is just one of many demonstrations of this happening in the global warming debate.

I hope they never get out and have to be airlifted to survive, serves the idiots right

Even ice breakers have their limitations. This is not the first ice breaker to become stuck in sea ice and it is unlikely that it will be the last one to do so.

"I guess the environment has changed a lot, colder and more ice." - Nice! You pick the area right around the coldest continent on the planet to suggest global cooling is happening now. Show a little intellectual integrity, Kano.


Kano, you are fully aware that you are suggesting a planetary cooling with your statement. Is this the "out" you plan to use? "I did not say it is the world climate.". True, but neither did you say the local environment and it is very suggestive that you are talking about the global environment when you do not specify that you are only talking about the local environment. To suggest that the local environment of Antarctica has changed a lot because it is "colder and more ice" is not even logical. Antarctica IS the coldest continent on this planet and holds the most ice. How does it become colder than this or have more ice than this? Yes, there are fluctuations in temperature and ice in Antarctica, but it is still the coldest continent on this planet and still holds the most ice.

The global warming socialists are getting humiliated day by day

I remember in the old days they would have explosives to crack the ice lose ?

It would be hard to beat Gary F's incredibly perceptive answer, but I'll give it a shot.

Mother Nature doesn't care what assumptions and predictions climate scientists make (and there are several on that icebreaker). And since they might be in danger I'll only shake my head, cross my fingers and hope for their safety. Hence, my avatar.

Must be global warming causing more ice to freeze. Quite the paradox

They believed in Al Gore.

too much ice in the Antarctic

The goal of the expedition was to follow the route explorer Douglas Mawson travelled a century ago, and to repeat many of the original measurements and studies of Mawson’s expedition to see how the environment has changed.

I guess the environment has changed a lot, colder and more ice

Because it got stuck in the ice?

This kind of question should be beneath you - unless you are intentionally trying to out-stupid John Cena.

I'm laughing.

The dumb man-made Global Warming myth, it has become sooooooooo ridiculous.

I would laugh even harder if we were not wasting so much money on it.


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