> I don't like change?

I don't like change?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
In the US we got a lot of change. We were supposed to get some 'hope' in there too, but that has all vanished.

Don't move to Chicago, where if you don't like the weather, stick around fifteen minutes and it will change.

Don't be a greenie, either. They change data, change goal posts, change sock puppets and change the truth. The only thing they can't change is that ice into water down in Antarctica.

Change is the only permanent thing on earth they.

Sometimes it's sad when things changes so fast but we can't do anything about that.

There are a lot of brains in this world and we cannot control all of them.

You'd be an excellent climate change denier.

Yes it is weird it is also a psychological issue not a GW issue

there should be "change" but for the best things

You do realize that without change none of us would be alive today?

This might be weird. but I really hate it when thing change, even if for the better, I like everything the way it is, I mean I hate the world we live in everything changes so fast, I like things the way they are.

I mean I heard that poor people in the third world countries were getting "less poor" And I wasn't happy about that I was actually kind of sad about it, am I weird or are there other people like me.