> If water expands when it freezes how is global warming happening?

If water expands when it freezes how is global warming happening?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
How do you figure that no one with a meteorology degree thinks that global warming is a scam?

John Coleman the Founder of the Weather Channel (You know the place where everyone goes to get there weather information) openly states that he believes that global warming is the greatest scam in history. not to mention the other thousands of scientists that also believe the same thing.

Just like the people pushing this scam on the people of the world you are giving information that is in no way shape or form true.


Climate Realist do you have any proof what so ever that your claims are true and the man is a liar? If so why did you not give them? If not then you like many others are the one spreading lies.

And yes having a College Degree in science does make you a scientist that is kinda what that means.


John Coleman and other hard core denialists do not actually think what they say. They know that global warming is happening


And we are causing it


And that the ten warmest years in the instrumental record are 2010, 2005, 2009, 2007, 2002, 1998, 2006, 2003, 2011 and 2012.


But they lie about it. If anyone who actually looks into AGW could sincerely believe that it is a lie, then we should all throw our brains in the trashcan because we would all be capable of believing lies.

You mean the petition project? Having a university degree does not make you a scientist.


Ice does expand some just as it begins to freeze. Melting sea ice does not contribute to the rising sea levels since their entire mass already displaces the water they set in. Melting land ice is another story all together for none of its mass already displaces any of the sea water. Also, as water warms it also under goes an expansion process.

You are talking about floating ice, I assume. As in the north polar ice that expands in area each winter and shrinks in area each summer?

Your question is one of displacement. You are thinking in terms of volume, which is irrelevant. When a ship is placed upon the ocean, it's displaces an equal mass of water as it floats. It doesn't matter how much volume the ship has. So long as the mass remains the same and the ship doesn't sink, the same amount of water is displaced. (Without getting into nuances that make very little difference, as may exist in absurd cases.) The point here is that it would make no difference at all if ice were twice the volume of liquid water, or 10 times the volume (a tenth the volume would make a difference because then the ice would sink -- different story.)

Now, if you had placed water in a glass, put ice in it so that the ice stuck up above the lip, and then used a saucer to rest on top of the glass and press the ice into the water... then the volume of the ice would matter. Obviously. But equally obviously there is nothing external to the ice that is pushing ice down into the water near the north pole. The ice just rests on itself and ultimately all of it just floats, that's all. (There are nuances experts belabor because they care about tiny details. For example, salts are frozen out into the surrounding water as the water freezes, changing the salinity in the surrounding water, altering the mass slightly, and causing currents of water to move, while some salts also do get trapped into young ice. But for most of us such details only muddy the water instead of clarifying it.)

But when discussing displacement, which is what I think you are talking about, the volume doesn't matter so long as it still floats on top. It's mass is what counts. And the mass of ice doesn't change when liquid water freezes. It's still exactly the same mass and displaces exactly the same volume as it did when it was a liquid.

Besides, at this point in time much of the last century's ocean rise is due to glaciers and the two land-based ice sheets melting. (Note, this is ice that is resting on land melting into the ocean where of course it does cause a rise in sea level that anyone can understand.) Perhaps around 60% of the total rise per year, right now. The rest is due to thermal expansion. (See link below for a short, recent blurb on this ratio.) A paper just published called "The multimillennial sea-level commitment of global warming" by Levermann, et al, points out that in the long term (2000 years) the quasi-linear committed thermal expansion will be about 0.4m ? ℃; antarctica's addition will be about 1.2m ? ℃; and Greenland will add about 0.7m ? ℃. We have already committed the Earth to a 2 ℃ rise, even if all humans up and left the Earth to go live on Mars tomorrow. (Note that the relative importance is estimated to be different in the short term vs the long term.)

When glacial ice on LAND melts, for example in Greenland and Antarctica, due to global warming, much of the melt water ends up in the ocean (where it was NOT before) and thus raises (slightly) the sea level.

Water expands when it warms. Yes it also expands when it changes to its solid form, but that is an entirely different process. Thermal expansion is the cause of most sea level so far; the oceans are warming. The melting of ice is the much greater threat as it can cause much greater sea level rise in the further.

Actually a lot of meteorologists and geologists don't believe in global warming.

Sea ice melting does not cause sea level rise, but melting glacial ice can, we know that ice ages dropped sea level by hundreds of feet, and it has been calculated that if all the ice in the world (Greenland, Antarctica, and all the thousands of glaciers around the world) were to melt the sea levels would rise about 65meters.

It's not going to happen soon though, unless we get hit by a massive asteroid that is.

First, Melting ice in the Arctic, Greenland ice shelf, Russian permafrost , Antarctica and Glacial melt are a result of climate of climate change there are not a cause,

BTW people with a degree in meteorology degree are not necessarily believers in GW The people who study climate are climatologist and there is 97% consensus among them http://www.informationisbeautiful.net/20...

GW/climate change is caused by the increase in human generated greenhouse gases, particularly CO2, Methane and CFCs

Sea level rise is a combined result of excess ice melt and thermal expansion

The supposed rise in sea levels is only supposedly caused by land based glaciers melting, not the arctic or sea ice. Also, the Arctic ice is melting because of the hot under water vents in the huge volcanic ridge spreading from Greenland to Russia, nothing to do with CO2 or anything humans are doing. And believe it or not, there ARE many meteorologists, with degrees, and probably in the majority who do not believe in the CO2 scam!

David, you will find lots of people of your caliber who also believe in global warming. Your analytical skills match that of many other AGW proponents who frequent this part of Answers.

Looking forward to more of your questions.

I believe In global warming, all the scientists who research this all say its going to happen, not a single person who doesn't believe in global warming has a meteorology degree. But if ice expands when it freezes, then why does the sea level rise as the ice all melts?

ice expands when it reaches a temperature of 4C before freezing. This is because water molecule freeze in an open hexagonal lattice that has more space in it than when it is a liquid. After the temperature of 4C is passed it begins expanding again. Of course this only works for fresh water. the amount of salinity in the water enables it to freeze at even lower temperatures. however it still expands as it freezes. This is why there are such a thing as glaciers and why when you put ice cubes in yoru glass of water they float to the top.




There are millions of cubic miles of ice on land.

in the southern hemisphere , it is closing on spring , their temps are starting to clime ,they are doomed their summer is coming . And do you be leave in farriers too . Good for you , you may give all your money to a Group of people that will take it , they need it for their defiance.

(slaps forehead)

damn where to start with all those fallacies.