> Who would like to debunk global warming with me?

Who would like to debunk global warming with me?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
None of your three supposed statements by Al Gore is documented. Is that because they are crass fossil fuel industry lies that you have been duped by? You also failed to show what possible impact Gore (or any human being, now or ever) has on scientific fact. Is he God?

LOL! How vain are you that you would believe that you could debunk global warming using anything other than the actual science? Only the climate itself could debunk global warming.

1. There are problems with this. "Heat waves will be more frequent and more intense as temperatures rise." and then you state 15 years of no global warming. 15 years is not a long enough period to show the long term trends within the climate system. There has been a continued warming of our planet during the past 15 years. There has been a slower rate of warming with the surface temperatures, but a continued warming none the less. Surface temperatures are not the only part of our planet's climate. So, what about the heatwave concerns you have? As stated by you, " .... as temperatures rise". Do you have ANY scientific evidence that this will not be the case? Any? What are the trends on this just as we begin to witness the impacts of a changing climate? Look them up and do not just take my word for anything.

2. It is simply too early to claim this as a failed prediction. As the climate conditions continue to change then so will the weather patterns around the world. Hurricanes, tropical cyclogenesis, occur in the tropical regions of the planet and are not restricted to just the Atlantic Basin, as you wish for all to believe. Typhoon Haiyan recently made landfall in the Philippines with quite possibly the strongest winds (195mph) ever recorded at the time of landfall. Prior to this Hurricane Camille (1969) had the strongest winds (190mph) ever recorded at the time of landfall. Super Typhoon Tip (1979) is the largest ever recorded tropical system, in terms of area covered (1,380 miles across). Hurricane Sandy (2012) is the largest hurricane ever recorded in the Atlantic Basin, in terms of area covered (1,100 miles across). ..... Wait! Does this show some contradictions to your misleading comment?

3. Your claim concerns a prediction that the Arctic sea ice will disappear by the year 2013. Your link discusses the Antarctic sea ice. A bit of polar opposites, quite literally, do you not think? How many CLIMATOLOGIST were making the claim that the Arctic sea ice would disappear by the year 2013? Name all of them, for this must certainly be an extremely short list.

I see that you have read, "The Global Warming Denial Industry Rules of Engagement for Our Marionettes".

Rule #1

Never, ever use any actual science to try to debunk global warming! You simply will fail by using this method.

Rule #2

Never, ever forget Rule #1

Rule #3

Talk about the weather.

Rule #4

Talk about a single season or a single year.

Rule #5

Avoid any conversations that cover a period longer than 30 consecutive years. This would be getting into areas of long term climate trends and these conversations MUST be avoided AT ALL TIMES! Just simply persist in the use of Rule #3.

Oh, my! I am afraid that I have failed to honor your quest to debunk global warming! What shall we do now?

>>Claim Three: "Arctic sea ice will disappear by 2013."

35 year record high:

https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=... <<

So, instead, we should accept the scientific opinion of a scientifically illiterate nitwit who does not even know the difference between the Arctic and the Antarctic. I don't think so, Sparky.

Good luck with that, why not try debunking gravity while you're at it. Real science answers all your claims adequately as false or misleading. Primarily Al Gore =/= A Climate Scientist, try addressing the actual claims of actual climate scientists or are you too afraid of being shown to be wrong?

I'd like to debunk it, as it would stop a lot of political nonsense and denial that is hurting science. Unfortunately, there is very little theory and little empirical evidence that would support that hypothesis.We are just going to have to deal with it, and the sooner we start the better.

The fact Al Gore doesn't know or care what he's talking about doesnt make him wrong.

Did you ever stop to think that measures taken to slow the effect may have worked? CFC's are no longer in aerosol cans, vehicle emissions have been drastically cut, factory emissions as well. Forrest clear cutting/burning has been drastically curtailed and on - and on - and on...

All scientific projections are based on a continuance of existing conditions. When other factors are introduced (such as above) data are necessarily altered to account for the changes.

BTW, Al Gore is the messenger not the source, typical of all you deniers to blame based on nothing other than a out of context segment of a much bigger set of data.

sorry, yet another 'boogyman' brought to you by the 'you better pay your taxes, freeloader!' tough luck program of the u.s. government.

so what? we can't do jack about it, if it's not global cooling (a 70s fantasia brought to us boogyman style) it's this.

there will be something else to come once we figure out this is another scam.


i've heard it all from population explosion, oil will run out.. water will run out, government will end, the ocean will over flow, nuclear holocaust ... blah, blah, blah, blah... the list is too big to continue, look it up online for more fun government rhetoric from the past.

(other countries pull this stunt too. such fun to make the citizens paranoid and poor.)

Some1;Mother Earth has debunked AGW and ACC.

The earth has cooled for over a decade.


All this time the CO2 level has risen.

Scientifically the Earth has proven the AGW theory full of bunk.

I dare you to move to south Florida.

Here I am going to list all of Al Gore's fallacious claims and we'll see what actual science has to say. Ready? Here we go.

Claim One: " Heat waves will be more frequent and more intense as temperatures rise."

No global warming in 15 years:


Claim Two: "We will see more hurricanes."

Top five quietest season since 1960:


Claim Three: "Arctic sea ice will disappear by 2013."

35 year record high:


It goes on and on and on and on. It must be nice to have swindled so many good Americans out of their money and time for Al Gore so that he can fly around the world on his private jet.

He also said that New York would be under water by 2013.

You won't persuade the true believers. They treat global warming like it is religion...they believe no matter what.

And your question is......?