> Why in Europe sunset at 8:55 pm on spring season?

Why in Europe sunset at 8:55 pm on spring season?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
Hugely over-simplified explanation…

During the winter months (in the northern hemisphere) the planet is tilted away from the Sun, this means it spends longer in darkness than in light.

Typically in Europe at the height of winter the tilt means that there will be 6 to 8 hours of the day when that part of the planet is facing the Sun.

As the Earth orbits the Sun and spring approaches, Europe now starts to be inclined more toward the Sun and the days get longer.

At the Summer Solstice (June 21) the Earth is positioned in such a way that the Northern Hemisphere is facing most toward the Sun and this is when the longest day occurs.

From then on the days shorten as the orbit continues and the northern hemisphere retreats back into the shadows.

Over the course of an entire year (a full orbit of the Sun), everywhere on the planet receives the same amount of day and night.

The further north or south you go the greater the variation becomes. Once you get beyond the Arctic and Antarctic Circles you’re into the part of the world that at some time during the year will experience days when the Sun never sets and days when it never rises.

In the Tropics the variation is smallest with the Sun rising at approx 6am every day and setting at 6pm every day.

It’s the combination of the way Earth is tilted in space, it’s rotation about the axis and the orbit around the Sun that combine to produce varying lengths of days and nights (and also the seasons).

If you want the technical stuff please feel free to ask.

Because Nature cant replace everything everywhere at once. Our ozone had been warped for 34 years, but it takes time for nature to return to normal naturally, so be patient. Mike

Because that is when the Sun went down.

because summer time is in effect AND because the farther west you are, within your time zone, the later sunset will be

because Revolution of the earth

The earth is tilted on its axis.
