> Climate change have you heard about the NIPCC?

Climate change have you heard about the NIPCC?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
No I hadn't, funny they've NEVER been quoted on the news. I just subscribed.

The bias at "Yahoo Answers!" is unbelievable.

When you click the link YA! has a pop-up that states "This link is not authorized by Yahoo!"

As if you were going to get a virus or something by continuing to the page. And in reality it just a link to news that YA! doesn't want you to read and YA! doesn't agree with in their zeal to push the man-made Global Warming agenda.

And what's really funny is that they have 'not authorized" information from their own server. Disgusting.

The Great Global Warming Swindle

Well the IPCC gives out their reports for free, while the NIPCC wants to charge $100 dollars, so I tend to ignore them.

I actually did some collaborative research with Craig Idso’s father, Sherwood, some years ago. Now, I’m beginning to wonder if there might be a genetic predisposition for AGW-denial. [I had the same urge. ]

Here is a free copy of their 2009 report.


sorry couldn't resist a trolling urge