> How long before a liberal says the tornado in OK was due to global warming?

How long before a liberal says the tornado in OK was due to global warming?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
Be fair.

The BBC, usually a hotbed of belief in AGW, stated yesterday that the number of tornados has actually gone down in recent years.

Allied to their statements regarding global warming slowing down, reporting that the Greenpeace leader misled the media and the Met Office being plain wrong; I'm beginning to have hope that the BBC have had a reality check, but in my heart of hearts I somehow doubt it, they'll soon be back to spouting their Marxist line.

Already done and apologized for:

"Rhode Island Democratic Sen. Sheldon Whitehouse has apologized for remarks Monday in which he linked Oklahoma "cyclones" to climate change while berating Republicans for their stance on the issue -- around the time a massive tornado killed dozens in that state. " http://www.foxnews.com/politics/2013/05/...

And without the apology: http://www.examiner.com/article/sen-barb...

I thought it was global cooling?

"An often cited 1975 magazine article by long-time Newsweek science editor Peter Gwynne warned of tornadoes as a consequence of “global cooling,” along with other residual effects, including food shortages."

How many scientific references have you read that attempt to tie any particular weather event to global warming? [That's a rhetorical question - we know the answer is zero]

Do you know what causes these tornadoes? Probably not if you're like most AGW Deniers - scientifically illiterate, willfully ignorant and damn proud of it.

Cold air has a higher density than warm air.

Cold-dry air drops down the Rocky Mountains and moves into the mid-continental plains of the US where is collides with warm-moist air moving north from the Gulf of Mexico.

Adding fuel to this mixture is melting arctic sea ice - which alters atmospheric circulation in the northern hemisphere - which is associated with unusually cold and/or wet spring seasons.

All of this is predicted by - and can be explained by - AGW.

Let's hear your explanation, genius (without lame non-explanations such as, "that's just the way it is", "this always happens" [no - it doesn't], imaginary climate "cycles", nonexistent solar phenomenon, Obama, or some ticked-off supreme being).

Caliserv had better references than me.

Rolando is right this time. That is why I don't use the word liberal for people like him. I use Marxist which is most accurate or socialist if I am not to annoyed with them and sometimes fascist though that one isn't defined very well. It seems everyone is a fascist if you don't like them, either on the left or right. I don't have as much problem with classical liberals but they were booted out of the Democratic Party, at least the politicians were.

Already happened on the floor of congress. Happened the day of.

A liberal comedian also made the claim that this was god targeting conservatives. She tried to withdraw and apologize when she learned of fatalities and children. Damage done. She is a writer for the Daily Show.

Approximately three hours.


Senator Boxer was behind...it took her almost a full day to blame it on AGW, and use it to push her carbon tax.


They never let a crisis go to waste.

Never mind that the data show a negative correlation between CO2 levels and tornadoes. Every day we are setting a new record for the length of time since our last major hurricane landfall.


"If there is one weather phenomenon global warming theory does NOT predict more of, it would be severe thunderstorms and tornadoes."

"Active tornado seasons in the U.S. are almost always due to unusually COOL air persisting over the Midwest and Ohio Valley longer than it normally does as we transition into spring."

"It is well known that strong to violent tornado activity in the U.S. has decreased markedly since statistics began in the 1950s, which has also been a period of average warming. So, if anything, global warming causes FEWER tornado outbreaks…not more. In other words, more violent tornadoes would, if anything, be a sign of “global cooling”, not “global warming”."

"Anyone who claims more tornadoes are caused by global warming is either misinformed, pandering, or delusional."

--Dr. Roy Spencer


How long before a republican uses the next blizzard as proof global warming does not exist?

Five minutes, according to Rush Limbaugh.

They went on the floor of Congress with glee in their eyes.

Ha! Ha! Just look at Prico:

FREE FROM BIGOTRY? Just look at Prico's buddy. Prico defended this fellow.

Prof Richard Parncutt, who outright states that he is for killing a certain group of people because of their beliefs, “I propose that the death penalty is appropriate for influential GW deniers.” Ha! Ha! That is your typical liberal. Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha!

Already happened, monday!!! As soon as it happened