> Can anyone see some pertinent correlation between CO2 level and the earth's temperature?

Can anyone see some pertinent correlation between CO2 level and the earth's temperature?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 

"There is only one piece of US climate data which correlates with CO2 – the amount of data tampering NCDC is applying to US temperature."

LOL... too true.

The "natural variability" deniers (like Grungo) are just hell-bent on blaming humans for any and all causes of climate changes. Population expansion since the end of the 19th to date has been 7-fold. Catastrophes can be misconstrued as being more "major" simply because of "every day" climate changes.

The correlation between temperature and CO2 levels are not connected to the "major" drought in China in the late 1870s, yet an estimated 13 million people died because of that drought. If there were as many people as there are today, then it is possible that over 100 million people would have died in that time period. Where is the "alarmism" pertaining to that time period?

These "climate clowns" will always claim that CO2 is driving temperatures.

There is almost equivalent correlation between the number of indoor lavatories and the mean temperature.

Also (irony intended) the number of computers and global temperature.

30,000yrs ago the place where I am sitting typing this was under 1km of ice. That ice-age started to reverse as the earth warmed up and sea levels rose to cut off the UK from mainland Europe. Those who claim that mans' activity is causing global warming probably believe that our stone-age ancestors burnt too much wood!!!

Global temperatures are correkated with atmospheric co2. Since the Muna Loa record began in 1958, the coefficient of determination, r^2, is about 0.8 between atmospheric co2 and global temperature.

Of course. This relationship was proven in the Vostock Ice data. There we can see that co2 levels are dependent on the temperature. As temps increase, co2 increases as well after a 800 year lag. When temps start to decline, co2 levels are still increasing for the next 800 years before they too start their decline.

Yes I can


Can you imagine how alarmists would behave if the tampering were done by skeptics. They wouldn't be loving the corrections, I guarantee that. The correlation sure doesn't seem to be working out for them lately.

Not with the graphs used by Steve Goddard/Tony Heller, no.

And me thinks that is exactly why he choose to use them. Five or even 9 year means of just US data shows very little.

