> Over the next 30 years, which country is likely to suffer more economically from global warming, China or the USA?

Over the next 30 years, which country is likely to suffer more economically from global warming, China or the USA?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
I think the USA also.

However, over a longer period, China may be at greater risk, because of the water it gets from snow melt in the Himalayas.

I think that they get excess water now because more ice is melting than is being renewed.

It will take more than 30 years for the Himalayan ice melt to get to the point of reducing China's water flow.

But that will eventually happen, and will likely be quite serious, with as many people to feed as China has..

Both of the countries China and USA will suffer from the impact of global warming.....

The US is more likely to suffer from the policies of activists that push GW. China doesn't care what they think unless it means more money for them. They aren't going to suffer. Neither is going to suffer from it actually warming if history is any guide. There are people voting next election that haven't seen any warming in their lifetime and yet some apparently think it will be dangerously warmer in 30 years? Where is the evidence when it hasn't warmed in the last almost 20 years that it will somehow be dangerously warmer in 30?

I don't think there will be any important difference between the two countries. Each will experience various effects to a similar degree.

Probably USA

USA, they are more accustomed to living the 'high' life.