> NASA explains the 15 year pause in global warming. Do you accept their reasoning?

NASA explains the 15 year pause in global warming. Do you accept their reasoning?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
A more likely explanation is that the nasa janitor who enjoyed playing the prank of sliding the bulb of the thermometer up 1 mm in its calibrated housing every January retired 15 years ago.

Another possible explanation is that all the various covers that they previously used to hide the decline have gradually been pulled away one by one in recent years & now their naked hiatus is finally exposed.

NASA haven’t explained anything that hasn’t already been around for several years and discussed on countless occasions already.

We know that there are numerous cyclical and oscillatory influences on our climates, we know that the net effect of these is currently negative. All the points raised in the NASA article are well documented.

This is not something new, it’s merely a review of a recent lecture in which Dr Loeb summarised what is already known.

What’s interesting is that the NASA article reports that global warming has slowed, in your question you state it has paused –you’re not even accurately reflecting the very article you’re discussing.

The Pacific Decadal Oscillation has a significant effect on global temperatures and this can be clearly seen in the historical global temperature record. When the PDO switched into its negative (cooling) phase the global temperatures levelled out. They should have dropped but the underlying warming is preventing this. Instead of temperatures going up and down as they would do naturally, they’re now going upwards in a series of steps.

Unfortunately for the skeptics, the PDO is currently in, or close to, the transitional phase. When it moves into the positive there will probably be another period of pronounced warming.

Enhanced sulphate and BPM emissions from the expanding Asian economies will continue to mask some of the warming, as will a continuing reduction in total solar irradiance. These are likely to be temporary as well. Should they become neutral or positive in the future then we could see the most pronounced period of warming ever known.

At least they are acknowledging that there is a pause, that their models were flawed in some way. It is more reason to discount the scare stories of high amounts of warming which depend on almost continuous warming, and does not allow for multidecade pauses.

Well I dont believe it is a pause or a hiatus, I believe global warming has STOPPED period.

Did you actually read the article?

What to a near stop?

What theories?

See the PDO

Norman Loeb is not a spokesperson for the entire nasa organization.

Deniers misuse the word 'pause' in a way to discredit the scientific findings that make Big Oil panic.

'Loeb is adamant, though, that the problem with global warming exists.'


They don't have to as the claim of the pause is a misrepresentation of data by selective choices of start and end dates.

>>leaving some scientists to wonder in this pause is permanent<<

Only lying Deniers who call themselves scientists could possibly say something that bone-headed stupid.

NASA is saying that the rate of global warming has slowed to a near stop even while co2 levels are increasing leaving some scientists to wonder in this pause is permanent. Do you accept these scientists theories that the pause in global warming could become the norm?
