> Do science deniers hate a) science, b) the scientists, c) the policy implications, d) advocates for the policy implicati

Do science deniers hate a) science, b) the scientists, c) the policy implications, d) advocates for the policy implicati

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
(from my experience) all of the above,

From the number of my recent answers that they have tried to get deleted, something I'm saying seems to be scaring them, if they think that will discourage me they are sadly mistaken.

They don't hate science, or scientists.

Unless they disagree with them.

Even then, I don't think "hate" is the correct interpretation.

They honestly seem to think that they're smarter than scientists. That's amazing.

They do get emotional sometimes in their condemnation of what the science indicates, and the people who are pointing that out.

Quite clearly they don't like policy implications, IF IT'S GOING TO COST THEM ANYTHING.

And, having had many posts reported, quite clearly they don't like anyone advocating whatever they don't like.

Edit: Interesting. 3 thumbs down. I wonder why? And from who?

Does it mean that the AGW deniers really do hate science?

Does it mean that they really think that the world is not warming?

Does it mean that they just don't care - as long as no-one points it out?

OR, do they just think that anything I post is bad?

That would be my guess. Probably don't even need / bother to read it.

OH, and pegminer's comment about creationists, is right on. I'd missed that.

Living in Calif, even the conservatives are more civil, and I forget how things are in some parts of the world / country.


No, his topic doesn't relate to this topic - but it does show how uncivil some people can get about whatever they dislike.

All of the above. And let's not sugar coat it. If they did not hate all of the above, they would acknowledge the possibility that humans could be causing Earth to warm. Skepticism is important in science. Denialism is just being abusive.

To begin with, I think they hate people in general. But yes, I think all of the above. It's a different mix for each one of the deniers in here, though. I think the Canadian guy hates scientists, the creationists hate science, the geologist hates the policy implications and the advocates

I think most of them dislike C. A few crazies, such as Sagebrush, Cyclops, and so on, may be A as well. A few of them are B if those scientists state alternatives to what they believe but then this goes both ways. Sagebrush may also fall into D with his constant attacks on 'greenies'.

the most precious thing is that you don't seem to realize that your "thinking" is pretty much right out of 17th Century Salem.... just with smaller words...

All of the above. Hatred is a product of ignorance and fear, and radical conservatives are afraid of everything they do not understand – which is damn-near everything – and, so, they hate damn-near everything.