> How much do you want to bet that every Global Warming proponent in this section is either an Obama supporter or otherwis

How much do you want to bet that every Global Warming proponent in this section is either an Obama supporter or otherwis

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
People who understand science and the data that the science is based on have no problem accepting that we have a paper thin atmosphere, and that burning billions of tons of coal and oil over the last almost 200 years has raised the CO2 level in that atmosphere from 286ppm in 1800 to almost 400ppm today. If you understand the physics of heat and atmosphere adding that much CO2 to the equation means that above 350ppm the Earth will retain more heat energy than can be returned to outer space in any 24 hour period.

Given the above, all of that retained heat energy has to go someplace and it does. It goes to warm seawater and melt ice. It doesn't 'stay in the atmosphere' because heat energy moves rapidly from 'warm' to cold'. Planetary physics will attempt to redistribute this added heat energy by changing the overall climate to accommodate the energy by expanding the tropic zone into the temperate zone and the temperate zone into the polar zone. I'm not certain how anyone's individual politics changes how physics works, but then I don't listen to 'Weasel News' and the right wing radio dummies.

Why is it that people that deny global warming think that it's only a political issue?

Believe it or not some people actually care about the environment and believe in responsible sustainability without an economic or political agenda.

Peggy: EDIT: By the way, anyone that can't tell the difference between physics and politics is stupid. In all the physics classes I've taken I never once saw a "liberal" or "conservative" equation. I've yet to hear anyone ask a question like this that knew the first thing about physics.

Quote by Will Happer, Princeton University physicist, former Director of Energy Research at the Department of Energy: “I had the privilege of being fired by Al Gore, since I refused to go along with his alarmism....I have spent a long research career studying physics that is closely related to the greenhouse effect....Fears about man-made global warming are unwarranted and are not based on good science. The earth's climate is changing now, as it always has. There is no evidence that the changes differ in any qualitative way from those of the past.”

Ha! Ha! You still have your head up your rectum.

Climate Science starts out with Communism 101 and progresses downhill from there. How many times have I proven you wrong and you still come back for more? You are a gluten for punishment! Ha! Ha!

In direct answer to your question.

Quote by Ottmar Edenhoffer, high level UN-IPCC official: "We redistribute de facto the world's wealth by climate policy...Basically it's a big mistake to discuss climate policy separately from the major themes of globalization...One has to free oneself from the illusion that international climate policy is environmental policy. This has almost nothing to do with environmental policy anymore."

Redistribution of wealth is the main tenet of Communism and of the Democratic party.

I've never been a Democrat, and I voted for the Libertarian in the last presidential election.

Some of the top climate scientists are lifelong Republicans, but since the Republican Party has become the party of stupid, it makes it very hard to be a scientist AND be a Republican.

EDIT: By the way, anyone that can't tell the difference between physics and politics is stupid. In all the physics classes I've taken I never once saw a "liberal" or "conservative" equation. I've yet to hear anyone ask a question like this that knew the first thing about physics.

Another EDIT for Sagebrush: It's smart of you to start quoting me in your answers--the more you quote me (verbatim, that is) the more intelligent you will sound. Too bad that Happer didn't know what he was talking about, and what he says about things not differing in a "qualitative way" is not saying a whole lot.

No I dont believe all warmers are socialists, I think much to much emphasis is put on the political beliefs of people. there many different reasons for believing or not believing in AGW.

P.S. I am skeptic but I am an apolitical animal, from my view politics is 90% dogma with very little commonsense involved.

People who are too ignorant to know what "global warming proponent" actually means are usually so stupid one can only hope they never vote at all.

I've never voted for anyone running for anything - ever. I don't belong to any political party, group, or organization. I've never attended a political rally or speech. And, I've never donated a penny to any political organization - including environmental groups.

The only difference between politicians and rank-and-file Deniers is that politicians are smarter and better liars.

They are totalitarian statists. The proof is what they advocate for as a solution for AGW. Read the text from the proposed 2009 climate conference in Copenhagen to get an idea of just how totalitarian these people are.

Yes, Green is the new Red. --- Global Warming alarmists are almost always Leftist Democrats. The SCAM of man-made Global Warming is the rise of Green Fascism.

Here we have Mongolian neo-Nazis that have just recently decided to rebrand themselves as environmentalists. http://www.thestar.com/news/world/2013/0...

U.N. Climate Chief Christiana Figueres recently had high praise for the Communist Chinese government and the way they do things. We all know the Chinese government simply commands the way it's going to be and the people of China have almost nothing to say about it. That's called a totalitarian government and Christiana Figueres thinks that is wonderful because then the Climate Cultists can get everything they want and rob us citizens blind. http://www.bloomberg.com/news/2014-01-13...

The man-made Global Warming scam is just a branch of the Green movement and it's goals are 1) power, 2) money and 3) the establishment of world socialism.

Isn't it funny that Warmist/Environmentalist goals would accomplish everything the Leftist/Commies have been trying to achieve on a global scale since the early 1940's? That is no accident or coincidence.

You will note that the real Warmist/Environmentalist goals have nothing to do with the environment or the little furry creatures, it's all about gaining power and maintaining that power.

In Russia and China they call these people Communist, in America they call them Democrats or Liberals or Warmists or Environmentalists. In Germany in the early 1940's they called them Nazis. They are all the same.

The reason socialism is so popular with tyrants is because it allows them to maintain their power much more easily than in a true republic. Socialism serves to get the entire population under the government's thumb. Under socialism/collectivism you have no rights, you do as you are told. You own no property and you dare not speak out against the powers that be, unless you want to find yourself in a re-education camp or dead, depending on the harshness of the regime.

In America we are not quite to that point yet but we are swiftly moving in that direction.

If the Warmist/Environmentalist/Communist/Nazis... whatever you want to call them have their way, we will be an enslaved population just like much of the world is under Communism and other tyrannical regimes.

But the new excuse for your collectivist enslavement will be 'for the planet' instead of 'for the fatherland.'


You sound awfully confident in your superior view of the world for someone who has likely never done anything to make a real difference in the world. Talk talk talk. That's all political minded people can do online. Go help out at your local soup kitchen and do something tangible ;-)

Yep, thought so. I'd ballpark that 95% of you are democrats, and the other 5% are in some radical leftist party or vote that way.

Don't tell me you're an independent. If you are registered as an independent, but always vote democrat, you're a democrat. You support a big government agenda and use the global warming LIE to push your big government, secular-humanist agenda.

Are you suggesting that only smart people are Democrats?