> Is it a good thing that Climate Change or Global Warming are bogus, since our governments have proven they can't han

Is it a good thing that Climate Change or Global Warming are bogus, since our governments have proven they can't han

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
It seems that our Government isn't "of the people" when 1 elected President thinks he has a "mandate" to make any law he wants by using an "executive order". Bush Sr. did it in the early 90s when he gave "dominion" over our national parks to the United Nations. To me, that was a choice of someone who "dictates" to all that elects him. Obama is doing it now. Do you really think he went to China as Nixon did? ROTFLMAO!

Our legal system has been turned over to those who will pick and choose how to manipulate human liberties and freedom (have you ever noticed lately how police carry out 'marshal law'? - It seems as if one is guilty until they can prove their innocence.). Businesses do this also. If you are not worthy in their minds, then you are eradicated from their Christmas card list and then "black-listed".

Big Government exists in small towns also, so don't let anyone try and fool you by telling you our democracy isn't fallible. It definitely is. The "triumph" of good over evil only exists in the goodness of people's hearts and not their pocketbooks or brains (brains - we tend to try and outsmart others in order to boost our own arrogance and egos).

Surprised that you would bring up Ted Cruz's shortcomings.

why was the government asked for huge corporate and financial bailouts during the last crash?

yes.. it works during crisis

bogus is your claims

I agree with you on one thing. Governments have proven that they can't handle a real crisis.

Yes it is a very good thing. Based on their models, they were calling for an 80% cut in emissions a decade ago. Since then emissions have gone up, especially in China and the developing world, to the point where nothing done in the US and Europe can produce the 80% cut the scientists are saying is needed to save the planet.

Wrong on both counts.

They only managed to turn a recession into a depression

Tthe only crisis they've handled recently is the growing realisation that governments don't work for the masses by their increasing mllitarisation of domestic police forces.