> How do you think the world will change in the 10-50 years?

How do you think the world will change in the 10-50 years?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
Scientifically.. Politically.. Do you see WW3 happening.. Will the chinese have taken over by then.

Scientifically I can't say there are some wonderful technologies being worked on, like small scale fusion but whether they will come to fruition I do not know.

Politically it is all in a downward spiral, contrary to what politicians say they hate democracy, they hate to see power in the peoples hands, they want it all for themselves, you can see a move towards the extreme left, with rants against capitalism with AGW used as an excuse, while on the other side communist countries are turning more towards capitalism, wars are still rife and I can see no reason for change.

People might have cellphones and computer links in bodies.

Fusion could be a reailty . A Moon Base or starting up one?

People might have house hold robots to cook and clean for them a promise from the 1960s . More cures ? Spaceships that are 1% of C speed?

More advanced technology and perhaps people on the Moon and Mars. Whether the future is bright or dark depends on whether people respond to new technology with fear, or see it as being useful. Because Germany has rejected nuclear power in favor of coal means that Earth will almost certainly warm by more than 2C.

read 'when china rules the world' by martin jacques. it is not in their culture to be like the british or american empires.

no question that china will command 30% of the worlds gdp if not more. the usa will be like the britishempire.

no world war but a lot of regional ones.

Scientifically.. Politically.. Do you see WW3 happening.. Will the chinese have taken over by then.