Posted at: 2015-03-12 
In the face of accelerated climate change, why might natural selection provide insufficient opportunities for some plants and animals to adapt?

Most of this discussion is due to a lack of understanding about evolution versus adaptation. Take our current dogs. A poodle does not look much like a wolf anymore. Now we know that evolution (as Alpha Beta is referencing) takes hundreds of thousands of years. Man has not been breeding poodles that long. There is a TON of information held within the gene pool. For example, Polar Bears and brown bears are the same species. They can mate and produce viable offspring.

Now this type of movement within the gene pool can happen relatively quick. Adding new information not contained in the gene pool, however, happens extremely slowly.

So, I contend that any adaptation changes necessary for survival which are within the gene pool will not have any problems becoming prevalent. If the species, however, has a narrow gene pool, or does not contain the necessary information within the gene pool to survive changes, they could have problems.

Honestly though, I don't believe any of these idiotic studies claiming species are going to die out. The earth has seen much warmers temps before, so I contend that the information to survive warmer temps is already present in the gene pool. Further we are talking about 1-2 degrees of change whent most animals deal with 60 degrees of change within a year. Degrees in Celsius.

I have had people claim I don't know what I am talking about. You have seen the difference between a wolf, a st. bernard and a toy poodle. I can assure you that their were no packs of toy poodles running through the forests 100,000 years ago.

It happens too fast. You might not see a random mutation or change in a species to take advantage of the change in climate, or if you do, the climate may have changed further.

The climate is not changing, I am 67yrs old and the climate is the same now as when I was a little boy.

So how would 0.8c warming over 150yrs affect species when they endure big changes between night and day, summer and winter.

posting the same question twice is rude

In the face of accelerated climate change, why might natural selection provide insufficient opportunities for some plants and animals to adapt?