> Al Gore says, "There is no such thing as ethical oil," then isn't it unethical for him to use it?

Al Gore says, "There is no such thing as ethical oil," then isn't it unethical for him to use it?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
Algore - Who won the Nobel prize for extreme hypocrisy - has the carbon footprint of a small country. Can anyone take him seriously when his own lifestyle proves he doesn't even believe the crap he spewing?

Why is that paper (and you) so alarmist, do you really think the free market is incapable of finding less polluting sources of energy if they needed to?

Everything we do has consequences, regardless if we use wind, to generate electricity to drive our electric cars or bitumen to drive our gasoline powered cars. The only question is which action is less bad for the environment. Just like most of us would agree that executing people for the "crime" of voting for the "wrong" politician is pure evil, there are people who advocating just that. (And they have the right to have that opinion)

Alarmists are some of the biggest hypocrites on Earth. That they believe in a bunch of highly paid do nothing bureaucrats from the UN who jet around to exotic locales with an entourage of thousands is beyond me. Al Gore is perhaps the worst. I have no doubt he believes in CAGW as much as I do. He just saw an opportunity to swindle money out of people and he took it.

One of his homes uses more than 10 of mine. I just got a contract for prepaid oil. To meet it, I need to use more oil. Al be rich and he don't care what real people need go thru.

The U.S. Constitution wouldn't consider it reasonable.

Since the real world is a place where ideological purity is moot, why are you asking the question at all?

Yes, obviously.

He should run his car on cocanut oil


Wouldn't it be reasonable for people like this be banned from using this unethical substance so they can see the consequences of their vile statements?