> Why should we recycle?

Why should we recycle?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
We should recycle:

1. Because that trash becomes something useful again.

2. Because most trash such as glass and plastic do NOT decompose in landfills, leaving mounds of glass and plastic. So there really isn't any other way to get rid of it unless you recycle.

3. Some trash is thrown out into the ocean and fish and other sea animals get stuck and die in the trash. Which brings me to...

4. Some trash that is thrown into the ocean have chemicals, then sea animals ingest those chemicals, then we humans eat those sea animals, therefore we also ingest those chemicals too.

5. Landfills can have toxic chemicals. And sometimes dirt is just thrown on top of a landfill and a bunch of houses is built on top of the landfill. Therefore, you get a bunch of children and people living on a toxic wasteland covered up by merely dirt. This can also poison water supplies too. It's happened before.

Remember recycling isn't limited to just plastic, glass, and aluminum! You can also recycle car parts, technology, computers, etc. There are special places that will take this kind of trash and use them again.

Hope this helped.

A lot of recycling is a waste of time, as it uses lots of labour to sort, in some cases special recycling bins actually get dump in landfills (just a scam)

That recycling thats is useful often involves money, scrap cars for steel production involves payment for the scrap, bottles often have deposits.

Personally I like the Swedish method of plaza incineration whereby ultra high temperatures turn even toxic chemicals back to their basic elements, and the gas driven off is used for electric production (a large proportion of their electricity comes from waste they even import from other countries) this a good way of saving money and avoiding the need for landfills.

We shouldn't recycle. We should reuse and stop making junk that can't be reused or fixed. Recycle should not be part of the "R's". Governments should only promote the other two

Reuse & Reduce.

Consider the energy that is needed to recycle plastic to make more junk! There is tons of plastic floating in the Pacific Ocean; much is killing creatures. In the end we have to care for each other enough to promote healthier living.

Its very costly to make things like glass and metals. Forests don't grow overnight either.

By recycling materials, you can help save alot of energy, which in turn means cheaper products though lower production costs.

Some materials like plastic dont break down easily, and will last seemingly forever in a landfill. By recycling them and other stuff, less stuff goes to the landfill. Landfills cost alot to build, and by extending their lives it can save lots of money.

Its likely in the future we will mine landfills for resources that could be used.

When we recycle our newspapers, bottles and cans, we are saving these materials for future use. When you waste these materials, you could be trashing your grandchildren' future! Recycling conserves energy as well as resources.

By choosing to recycle, we reduce fossil fuel demand, create jobs in Minnesota, conserve natural resources and benefit the environment in innumerable ways.

Mostly because we waste a lot of useful plastics, paper, and metals. You could make a killing by mining old landfills for useful stuff we used to just throw away.

because many resources are again reused. it saves the time and money. it is less cheaper than new production. so recycled is best.

it saves many steps in production

it's cheaper to reuse paper than cutting down more trees.

it's cheaper to reuse metals than mining raw ore