> How does climate change affect people as individuals?

How does climate change affect people as individuals?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
how has it affected you ?

The climate has been changing in my neck of the woods all my life as the seasons change. I have not noticed a change in the broad spectrum as to the weather, it is still hot in the summer and cold in the winter same as it has been for my lifetime'

Most climate change happens on TV or on the internet. It's not so easy to see (personally) what is really changing. The temperature of the Planet has increased 0.6 Celsius in 150 years. We have to depend on our understanding of the difference between the media, the science community, and our Governments. It's hard to tell who is really telling the truth.

I know that Geology told me that the North Pole was 10 C higher before. So what is Global Warming and what is really an accurate depiction of what is really going on?

for as far as i know weather and climate changes doesn't have an affect on the outside of the body.

however the inside does.

as climate changes weather gets weather worse or better.

and an example how it ca affect people is rain.

Rain is grayish and annoying so that's all inside affects.

grey is an color of depression and the rain itself makes you icky or wet what most people don't like either.

sun has an happy affect also on an inside affect

sun has bright joy full colors and the Vita-mines the sun brings has also good affect

although some people don't like the heat. ;)

Climate change occurs over a long period of time and so impacts on individuals often go unnoticed as they happen gradually.

So no, it has not affected me.

The Industrial Revolution came about in countries that have and had a more temporate climate. Warmer climates tend to be more agrarian.

It has made me very cynical, I used to believe, but then I had some doubts about climate change, and did some research, the more I researched the more I disbelieved.

Now I am very skeptical and question everything I'm told especially by the media.

Frankly, based upon the incessant banter and blogging for and against it, I think it makes people quite loony.

As for me...I've always been loony, I don't know that there is a correlation with that to climate change...but it's possible.

There is no man-made Climate Change, or man-made Global Warming or whatever they are calling it this week.

Top climate scientists say there is no man-made Global Warming.

The Great Global Warming Swindle

It affects as temperature of earth is getting high living situations are getting worst. global warning is the main cause of increasing the temperature of the earth . The inner of the earth is getting hot and so glaciers are melting and so this results in affecting the human life too

I find that question unpatriotic.

how has it affected you ?

lately it has made me use my furnace more and my a/c less