> What happens to my blood in a hot climate?

What happens to my blood in a hot climate?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
I don't think you need to worry about your blood in a hot climate.

Just think how many people live in the tropics either side of the equator (nearly half the earth's total population) and how many live in the polar regions (about 3 scientists!).

People obviously prefer hot places to cold places.

(OK, I admit it, I made up the number of scientists. 97% of all statistics are made up.)

It reaches a boiling point 2 minutes after it hits the sidewalk.

assuming that you aren't stranded for days in a hot desert without water and shade your body will keep your blood around the same temperature. it's one of the advantages of being a mammal.

Nothing. I live in Philippines, and before that seven years in Kuwait the hottest city on earth.

If you don't keep your fluids up your blood pressure will rise