> How can we stop global warming?

How can we stop global warming?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
To increase infiltration in suburbs an easier solution (and one currently used) is to direct stormwater runoff from houses (rooves) to soakwells. However these require pervious soils (so won't work in clayey soils or land underlaid by shallow bed rock).

In Australia pervious pavement is encouraged in gardens and yards (e.g. lay pavers on compacted sand so that rain infiltrates between the gaps into the ground).

In regards to roads the issue is that cars DO exist so therefore you need to provide a workable solution (or alternative). A large problem associated with permeable road surfaces is that when they become dirty and clog up they become impervious, and to keep them 'clean' would be very expensive. So therefore in high traffic areas it is not feasible. Designing roads to slope towards bioretention gardens (rain gardens), vegetated pits, etc. etc. (investigate SUDS, LID, WSUD ... all the same just different names in different countries) is the current best practice for roads, in regards to sustainability.

WSUD provides not only added benefit for water quality, infiltration of rainwater at source but also adds asethetics and green to the environment (which can assist with less production of concrete and plants to sequester carbon).

In regards to your headline ... global warming can NOT be stopped, we can but mitigate and manage the influences (rate of change) and the impacts (risks) that the changes pose.

We can stop global warming by destroying green house,using those cars which don't produce more smoke,making factory away from city or village area and planting more trees.

You can't stop what is not happening.

What global warming are you talking about? It's been cooling for at least 12 years.


Top climate scientists say there is no man-made Global Warming.

The Great Global Warming Swindle

It is far too big a phenomenon and has gathered way too much momentum, especially in the 25 years since it was solidly identified by massive scientific consensus (but the world has done little since in response) to STOP.

We can still slow it down and prepare better for adapting to the changes we cannot stop.


Listen here lady tree man. I would tell you how to stop global warming, but global warming isn't real you silly fruit bag. The government is making it up to condone off shore drilling, gay marriage, and polar bear poaching. Big Brother is watching you LADYMAN so you can lose the roads idea and keep throwing your water bottles away #YOLOSWAG

Yes global warming can't be stop I can see it. Back in the day the city's well for example Los Angeles was polluted where you can see the fiber glass or silica miles away. And it changed over time because of new ideas for the environment. I know that we might not have a chance to have water under land but giving pervious concrete a chance would help. You and I know there would be a greater chance since pervious concrete since it makes water run faster than the speed of an eye. I worked with pervious concrete. We the people just need to take the first step because life is a beautiful adventure.


destroy the sun

Easy, wait until the next glacial period. Question really is, how do we survive when glaciers cover half the earth?


My idea is to leave the roads how they are, where cars don't drive and if needed put some pervious concrete. Under our houses ect. put pervious concrete and make green buildings in a tree or a building whatever you want. And basically the pros is the aqua under our soil would have water. Cons if the world would care to TRY. I am certified for Cement Masonry. And willing to try.