> Can Kano read realclimate?

Can Kano read realclimate?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
Yes of course I can, I look there sometimes, but I find it rather boring, and the last post was May 8, and the comments well they seem ramble off topic a lot.

RealClimate has many informative posts.

In this post,


we see one of their contributors casually reveal that models can be tuned to yield the response that they want to see.

In their list of contributors they have one Jim Bouldin, who said recently:

"My default position toward Nature...at least for earth and environmental science papers, has shifted from innocent until proven guilty, to roughly the opposite. I just don’t believe what they claim until I’ve read the paper involved closely, and since I don’t have time to do that, that means I basically don’t accept what they claim. I’ve just seen too much bad science and I don’t trust them to be fully objective and place scientific veracity over hype and headline. Sorry."

In this post,


we see that main contributor Gavin is stuck in the past and has posted false figures about the state of CO2 emissions. Namely that China and India are now bigger emitters, and the US doesn't stand alone. When called on it, he made an embarrassing attempt at a save that nullified the whole point of the post.


Here we see them attempt to correct Roger Pielke Sr who called out their errors, and even the warmist contributors tended to think he was right on his small point, that RealClimate was overhyping things.

Dook tends to ramble on about gibberish. I tend to picture him in my mind as either this rambling little kid in his Mom's basement or a grouchy old man who lives in his Mom's basement.

Of course you would find it boring. It's chock full of facts and detailed analysis. Neither are really in your wheelhouse when it comes to intellectual endeavors. Now if there was a website realsophistry, that would be right up your alley.

Calling someone out, while blocking them, as what is being done to you, is hypocritical beyond measure.

If he can master the language, he can. I assume that "realclimate" is a magazine.

Yes of course I can, I look there sometimes, but I find it rather boring, and the last post was May 8, and the comments well they seem ramble off topic a lot.