> What is climate sensitive disease?

What is climate sensitive disease?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
There are so many Climate sensitive diseases:-


? Malaria

? Dengue fever

? Lyme disease

? Rocky Mountain spotted fever

? Encephalitis: St. Louis, Murray Valley, Western Equine

? Rift Valley fever

? Ross River fever

? Ehrlichiosis

? Hantavirus pulmonary syndrome

? Leishmaniasis

? African trypanosomiasis

? Tularemia

? Plague

? Onchoceriasis (river blindness)

Water and Foodborne

? Cholera

? Other non-cholera Vibrio spp..(i.e., V. vulnificus, V. parahaemolyticus)

? Leptospirosis

? Schistosomiasis

? Sea bather's eruption

? Giardiasis

? Cryptosporidiosis

? Human enteric viruses (Enteroviruses,.Norwalk and Norwalk-like viruses)

? Campylobacteriosis

? Cyclospora cayetanensis

? Salmonella enteritidis

Airborne (and others)

? Meningococcal meningitis

? Coccidioidomycosis

? Respiratory syncytial virus (colds)

? Legionnaires' disease

? Influenza

There an increased risk of some infectious diseases due to climate change. This risk is particularly increased in those diseases that are spread by mosquitoes and other insects and that appear in warm areas. These 'vector-borne' diseases include malaria, dengue fever, yellow fever, and encephalitis. As temperatures warm, algal blooms could also occur more frequently, particularly in areas with polluted waters.

Influenza we tend to catch it more when its cold and wet.

Most diseases are not sensitive to climate, Philadelphia had a serious yellow fever epidemic, Russia had a malaria problem, diseases spread from person to person dont care if you live in the Sahara or the Antarctic.

It's symptoms are the incessent need to find reasons why your predictions of AGW were so off. Usually the reason is a lack of understanding of climate sensitivity.


contains 2 groups of questions.

1. Various diseases that prosper in different climates.

2. Diseases which are expected to increase with global warming.

It is not a specific illness all by itself.

I think, ALLERGETIC, Mostly, General Fever with the Bronchitis,Which are the Asthma ,oesonphilia and the Diseases Causes to the Stomach,Mostly Diarrhea and the Dysentery.