> What genre would a novel that predicts the future outcome and consequences of current events come under? e.g climate cha

What genre would a novel that predicts the future outcome and consequences of current events come under? e.g climate cha

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
Science Fiction.

If the speculation includes substantial speculation about the future directions of scientific discovery, then it should definitively be classified as science fiction. Otherwise, it probably doesn't matter except that a publisher or distributor would likely want to identify the target readership and classify the book accordingly. Interesting topic, in any case.

Obviously a 'novel' is fiction. However, for it to fall into any specific categories it needs to meet those specific requirements. I would agree that the term futuristic usual involves science fiction.

A story about the future is called "science fiction."

Science fiction is not a negative term. The people who made the moon landing possible were inspired by the works of Jules Verne and H. G. Wells and Ray Bradbury.

"Dystopian" or "post-apocalyptic" might be a suitable descriptor. There seems to be a large subset of sci fi these days that's all about the end result of Something Going Horribly Wrong, whether it's AGW, zombies, disease, totalitarian governments, or something else.

You might wander around sites like Goodreads, and see how books of similar description are categorized.

But, if it's set in the future, it definitely counts as sci fi, too.

Science fiction. As an author of several books I am well familiar with categories.

Science fiction. I have read several end of the world novels, and all were in the science fiction section.

Sage is right

I'm writing a novel that addresses immigration and predicts how it may change futuristic England. I'm uncertain whether to label it speculative fiction, or whether there might be a more accurate subcategory or genre that it fits into