> How much does the Weather Channel get paid to promote Climate Change?

How much does the Weather Channel get paid to promote Climate Change?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
Stephanie Abrams is the classic liberal. Big Al and her are the epitome of liberal weather broadcasting. She is probably there to wipe Big Al's butt when he poops his pants.

Yeah, because Christopher Monckton and John Coleman (two of the founders of the WC) are such notorious Climate Change cheerleaders - NOT!

You should probably start by reading the WC's position on Global Warming which is easily Googled but I will make it easy for you.


After reading that you can ask whatever questions you want.

The Senators were confusing weather and climate on the snooze fest slumber party 2 days ago .

Bernie Sanders claims the sea levels are rising but not how high? Or will the tempatures rise 2 , 4 or 8 degrees and they want to inflict a value added tax on Coal .

I dont watch that channel that much .

Classic mind control. They show the climate change summit then segway to the farmer story. This creates a sub conscious memory/message of " if the government does not do something about climate change I will die because farmers can't grow food for me" they do not even have to relate the stories your brainwashed mind does it for you in your sub conscious. You won't think this out loud but will have additional feelings of fear when AGW is mentioned.....mind control 100000%. I have studied mind control government programs for years now and that is exactly how it works. I will give you an example of MKUltra and Project Monarch techniques. This is no BS and I will explain the cleanest form but realize they also use sexual and physical abuse.

The government will take a child in their program. They will tell the child over and over "guns are bad evil" while shooting the gun in front of a child making it seem fun.....they do this everyday for years. Then all of a sudden as the child's mind developes they say "guns are good they save people's lives" but will kill animals in front of the child.....again no BS this is going on in government laboratories.

This creates a confused mind and a confused mind will begin to create multiple personality disorder. One believing guns are fun other guns cause death. They do this with a number of things. It goes deeper but if I talk more about it...it is very vulgar and would violate YA!. If you would like more information on government mind control programs to create "lone nut" assassins please email me. They also use these children as politicians when they grow up.....parents donate their children in exchange for money and the child's future success.

What does weather have to do with climate (change)? Seriously, you don't know this?

Billy, I love your answers, have you ever thought of doing stand-up?

@ Sagebrush. Thank you for confirming that you do not know what weather has to do with climate (change). I have added an age appropriate link for your perusal. [1]

@ Mickey Finn. The weather channel has carried advertisements for "clean coal". This "clean coal" crosses party lines as it initially was proposed under the Bush administration and is supported by the Obama administration. [2]

Once again, the uneducated mistake weather ( a short-term, strictly local phenomena) for climate (long-term trends over the entire planet). Even when you add in the colder than average temperatures in the eastern U.S. the average temperature of the whole planet is still up from 2000, much less 1950.

Probably not direct revenue, but they do receive major indirect support by marketing the current official party-line. Truly nuts...just like the Cold War (and lunatic "War on Terror") hysteria. Time to let it go.

They have advertisers. Communicate with them. They are who funds the global warming hype that they drivel out.

Why go to the weather channel anyway? You've got internet.


<: Prove it!>

Prove otherwise.

I am away from home and I don't usually watch cable. But I like to keep abreast of the weather. There was so much hype about Climate Change that it was sickening. They would promote the Climate Change summit of Senators then show a farmer who says he has to rely on the weather to plant, harvest, etc. Wow! Didn't anyone know that? And what does weather have to do with climate change?

They would just repeat Climate Change over an over without any logic. It was just nonsensical sound bytes.