> Sustainability Issues?

Sustainability Issues?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
YouTube Joe salatin "this aint normal" "how grass fed beef can save the world"

Light bulbs cars, what you eat does more for or against the planet than even your heating bill.

Find Paul wheaton so permaculture podcast if you really want to bust out of the matrix.

look up district energy or district heating systems

Chickens :)

YouTube Joe salatin "this aint normal" "how grass fed beef can save the world"

Light bulbs cars, what you eat does more for or against the planet than even your heating bill.

Find Paul wheaton so permaculture podcast if you really want to bust out of the matrix

You can look up district energy or district heating systems. They are small energy production facilities. usually based on such things as geothermal, wind, solar, and so on but can also include natural gas, to produce energy for a small local community that is often tied into a global grid. There are a few of these in use already.



For paper towels you could have a bin for paper towels only (no other rubbish). Paper towels can be used for composting. Another alternative (to a dryer) is a cloth. This rolls along so the next user can use a clean dry piece of cloth (the cloth would need replacing/washing).

Food wastes could be composted by stores (if not useable or sellable). Packaging is probably a bigger issue.

Instead of plastic bags use paper bags or as in Australia you can use reusable bags (canvas or harden plastic). Biggest problem is that people forget their bags. An incentive may be that they will be charged for each plastic bag (say 5c).

Pollution in the creek (most likely from stormwater) could have traps set up near drains, education is probably your best bet. Competitions (educate the children), street art, workshops etc. etc.

I'm trying to think of sustainability issues to base a project on but can't think of many. Some suggestions would be greatly appreciated. Things along the lines of using paper towels in public bathrooms, food wastage at our local stores, stores using plastic shopping bags, pollution in our local creek.
