> Why has Florida not gotten as much rain the past few years?

Why has Florida not gotten as much rain the past few years?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
Is Florida getting drier? Yes.

Is it because of global warming? Likely but too early to say for certain.

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The precipitation across Florida has been very mixed of late, some places have had near drought conditions and others have had quite serious flooding. Sounds like you’re in one of the drier areas. I was in FL recently and had torrential rain on several occasions.

Across the state as a whole it’s been a wetter than average year but the long term trend is one of less rainfall.

Here’s a graph showing rainfall for the last 100 years up to April 2014, the blue line shows the declining trend.

I think you are misrembering. You've had almost double your average rain this year. On average you get about 10 inches January-May; this year you've had 19. You are either remember specific past years that were unusually wet or you are forgetting how dry May usually is compared to June. Do you remember the rain you got in March?

Barely any rain in march, I dont think 19 inches of rain is true for tampa bay. There are serious drought laws going on right now.


Drought is an established and well known effect of global warming.

I was born and raised here, and around this time of the year it rains nearly everyday for at least 20 minutes. It is now June and it only rained one time so far in the month of April. This happened last year as well. It is crazy because in Tampa bay you must be prepared for rain everyday, Everybody carries umbrellas in their cars.

We also have drought laws now, like washing your car and watering the lawn regulations.

Is there a reason the rainfall has seriously declined in the Tampa Bay area?

Is Climate change a possibility?

BTW: My lawn is dead : (