> Is this scary The EU and climate change?

Is this scary The EU and climate change?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
What's most scary to me is the size and extent of organizations and groups which have power and money and control and yet have no accountability. You can't vote them out of their positions.

And for those of you who are happy with this situation because it just so happens that currently these unaccountable groups fit your worldview, don't complain when the political spectrum shifts. Assuming of course you believe in equality and non-discrimination.

That article didn't really say much at all. The main concern of the article seems to be with BBC funding, which Baccheus covered. The comments regarding WRI at the end seem like nothing major to me, funding is usually sort by a body through submissions. The EU would have a set amount to fund different projects and this project won (not sure how the process is run, but as with most governments it usually goes to one they deem worthy or has the most coherent submission ... not always the 'best' but that's politics).

Not sure where conspiracy theories come into this story, as I said the funding process is quite standard across all levels of government (and has its flaws at every level too). In the end a board/committee decides on the funded projects. Having worked in government the biggest flaw with such funding is that for them to get funding the next year they have to spend all the previous funds (if they don't then their funding is reduced ... so you get a lot of waste because of 'poor' thought processes in government).

Is this scary The EU and climate change?

I have been accused of conspiracy theories, because of my fear of governments, but this is just crazy


It's amazing how easy it is to fool you Kano (and the other cow-towing deniers) by not being skeptical at all about what Breitbart tells you.

Despite it's catchy headline, there's nothing 'revealing' in the story as a quick Google search tells that EU grants to the BBC are nothing new. But where earlier news stories on this issue do tell what the grants were for, your Breitbart omits this and prefers to stick to innuendo and rely on biased 'experts'; a 'fakexpert' of a neoconservative Washington think-tank (which ironically does not provide a list of its donors) and an anti-EU blogger who Norwegian terrorists and child killer Anders Breivik quoted from in his 'manifesto'.

This 'story' is only scary if one drops all skepticism which is precisely what rightwing blogs exploit by offering their daily visitors the scare stories about 'Big Government' and alike which they so desperately need. Whether their stories are actually true is of a lesser concern to them.

Large parts of the green agenda is being implemented by trying to get government money. Then money for renewable energy is given to cronies of those in power, who then turn around and send some of that money back as campaign contributions. The EU is not responsive to the desires of its member populations. This can be seen by how they refuse to allow Britain to back any powers given to the EU. This will perhaps result in a BRexit.

As I know Glendale is a lot safer, can't say about the low rent tho.

Their "carbon capture" idea is just another avenue to "dump" more funds into the ground with no actual benefit. Rechanneling money. That's what these environmental zealots do. They say they are doing it to save the environment, but reading through their ignorant attempts at solving the "unsubstantiated" problem, it's clear that they have no clue. Government money (taxpayer dollars) in order to control the free market? That's what's happening in the U.S. also.

>>I have been accused of conspiracy theories, because of my fear of governments, but this is just crazy <<

And this question only supports those accusations.

From the comments to the article, here – absent specific examples of scientific illiteracy – is the model for every Denier question ever asked and for every Denier answer given in response to every question ever asked.

It’s the intellectual bouillon of Denialism – without it they cannot make a thought.

>>The EU is doing this to support the IPCC and get globalised Marxist government by the CAGW scare. However, IPCC pseudoscience is a cleverly constructed fraud.<<

It is so easy to prey on your paranoia. Perhaps you can explain exactly which expenditure you are so worried about. The first item Breitbart tells you is "disturbing" is to the BBC. That grant was primarily to help develop democratic media in Algeria, Egypt, Israel, Jordan, Lebanon, Libya, Morocco, and Palestine. Is investing in democratic media in countries where religious zealots try to control the message and which the EU is often drawn into wars, is that disturbing to you? If so you are disturbed.

Perhaps you need to reconsider which governments you are most afraid of. You complain from the Philippines that the EU invests to bring peace, free-flowing information, and freedom to the violent nations that boarder it. You are not really afraid of government; by your post you indicate that you favor violent controlling regimes and you oppose free-flowing information. You make no sense.

Rather than allowing crap media to so control you, why not take advantage of the vast information that is available to you -- and is not available to the people of Egypt, Jordan, Lebanon, etc -- to actually learn and understand. Look at the investments rather the ranting in ignorance. But even beyond that, what the EU does with it's money is none of your business.

I thik so

I have been accused of conspiracy theories, because of my fear of governments, but this is just crazy
