> How can reducing dairy in your diet directly or indirectly reduce climate change?

How can reducing dairy in your diet directly or indirectly reduce climate change?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
What other envioronment issues might be reduced? What nonenvioronmental issues might be reduced?

You can stop eating dairy products if you like but it will have NO impact on climate.

Man-made Global Warming is not and never was happening. And now even the small amount of natural warming we experienced for a short period is on the decline.

It's been cooling for at least 12 years.


Top climate scientists say there is no man-made Global Warming.

The Great Global Warming Swindle

The social pollution is the main problem, because fools keep repeating and believing the Climate Change hoax.

All the graphs and charts can be cooked by those with a political agenda. For the most part, the left assaults counter opinions with ad Hominem attacks, name calling. The left that pushes this hoax, and it is a hoax, uses slimy politicians like Al Gore, long bony finger liars like Bill Clinton, and misplaced Kenyans like Hussein Obama to further their cause.

I've been following the leftist hucksters pushing the man made climate change hoax for about 40 years. First they proclaimed that Global Cooling was an absolute truth. Then, a little more than 30 years ago they changed to Global Warming. They said that the sea level in areas along the west coast where I live would rise, and that within 10 years there would be a marked difference, and that in 20 years the ocean would invade coastal towns and cities that were of lower elevations.

Well, it's been 30 years and nothing has changed. That's right, the mean ocean level is the same and the mean ocean temperature is the same as its always been for the last 50 years or more. I live within walking distance, less than a half mile from 8 miles of white sandy beach, and I have lived here since 1976. The ocean is so close to the highway at this point, that during a strong storm the ocean throws driftwood on the road. If their lies were true, the highway and the town should be underwater by now. Part of the town is about 6 feet above sea level, and nothing has changed.

I've been interested in Climate Change because of the threat since I live here. Also, I have a minor in Earth Science so I know a little about the earth.

It's difficult to measure climate because one must select areas of the earth to take measurements, and they don't come out the same way. It gets warmer in one place and colder in another. So, if the ocean is rising like they said it would 30 years ago, then show me! It doesn't take a climate scientist to see the truth.

Most of the so-called Scientists promoting man caused global warming are blackmailed whores to the leftist politicians; and critical observation by even laymen can see that it is a political hoax.

Kano: Free range farming is not 'better for us'. It is considered by many to be 'better for us' because of the types of growth hormones and other things used. However, if feed intake is tightly controlled to not include hormones or anything bad of any sort it is quite a lot healthier for us. Have you heard of omega-3 eggs? The hens that lay them have a high feed type of flax seed and other similar grains. What you state was made popular by such people as animal rights activists and so on.

And yes, you can even feed them grass if you really want to.

Agriculture and farming produces about 6% of our greenhouse gas emissions (measured as carbon dioxide equivalence) and a significant part of these comes from cattle and other ruminants such as sheep and goats.

Ruminants have a complex digestive system and part of this includes the microbial decomposition of the grass and plants they’ve eaten. As the food is broken down some of the carbon stored in it is released and this combined with hydrogen to produce methane gas.

Most of this gas is expelled through burping and an average cow in an average day will burp some 300 litres (264 quarts) of methane. It’s estimated there are some 1.2 billion cattle in the world. This many cows burping this much methane adds up to a lot of greenhouse gas.

If we were to eat and drink less dairy and beef products then the global cow population would decline and so too would the methane emissions.

We could also cut down on our consumption of rice. The wet conditions in which rice grows is another source of methane gas.

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When natural vegetation decays, be it a blade of grass or an entire tree, it goes through a serious of biodegrading processes and toward the end there’s a bio-methanogenic process during which methane is released. The amounts are relatively small as a lot of the vegetation has already decayed into water and carbon dioxide.

The wet chemical environment of the ruminant’s stomachs means that the methanogenesis takes place more rapidly and by comparison with natural decay, it’s a much strong reaction.

By the way, I’m not advocating that we reduce the cow population as I’d really miss my hot beef with onions and gravy sandwiches. The methane emissions can be reduced by about a fifth by some simple variations to diet, including letting cows eat more grass rather than corn and soy which is often fed to them.

There’s also some experiments to capture the cow’s flatulence (although this is considerably less significant than burps). Here’s a cow with a fart-catcher on it. I hope they remember to deflate it otherwise the cow’s going to float away.


Global Warming ended in 2012. The answer to your question is IT CANT. Earth's environment has alway's been in good shape for over a thousand years. Nature controls the environment to separate all non solids in the upper atmosphere, so the suns rays would warm earth to keep the plants growing for food and oxygen. If co2, gases, exhaust, smoke, etc. went to the ozone blocking out the sun when Global Warming started we'd all be dead today due to lack of sun, food/ no plants, etc., but the environment's chemicals prevented this and has been doing this over 1,000 years. I believe ex- President Bush said it was the environment, because he was mad at everyone for not voting Cain into office. Mike

Did i just walk into the twilight zone here?

Believe me, no matter how selfish and wicked mankind truly becomes, he as a species will have little or no effect on that super rugged planetary environment....

Our tiny contribution in comparisons to some super volcano erupting spewing forth billions of metric tons of ash and Lord knows how many greenhouse gases that would obviously adding to that ash would blanket our entire atmosphere with this black soot, and still gods green earth cleans itself up and supports life because it was created that way for a reason....?

Less farting burping cows , causing green house gases , quite right when alcohol plus red meat gives you gout !

Maybe Hindus are on to it , not harming cattle !

A larger meteor like the recent one in Russia would be an external game changer .

It is a myth, grasslands and herbivore's (cattle included) evolved together, and need each other.

Before man came along the planet was filled with buffalo, deer, antelope,sheep and goats, and other herbivores, it was natures way.

However we need to return to free range cattle farming, the way nature intended it to be. healthier for the land and healthier dairy for us.

Edit Trevor says grasses an vegetation are converted into some methane in ruminants stomachs, quite correct but uneaten grasses and vegetation are converted by bacteria in the soil, and still produce methane, it makes no difference cows or no cows it is still part of the carbon cycle.

Less milk...less cows...less methane but it is actually an insignificant amount of methane compared to what humans produce with all our sewage and garbage

It can't. Marijuana smoke has more of an effect than cattle.

What other envioronment issues might be reduced? What nonenvioronmental issues might be reduced?

cows produce methane, a greenhouse gas.

non-environment issue might be reducing the need to have animals (animal right?)

Climate change = HOAX

It can't, thyat's just crazy.

It won't. There's more than enough methane in the world that less cows wouldn't make a difference. Besides vegans and veggies fart more than meat eaters.