> If this pole is true, then why have temperatures deflated the existence of "Global Warming/Climate Change"?

If this pole is true, then why have temperatures deflated the existence of "Global Warming/Climate Change"?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
People who answer polls typically are like children talking to adults and want to give the pollster the answer they believe they are looking for as children do to adults.

I have a pet peeve about "feeling" when they mean think

They asked the asinine question, "Do you feel that our climate has changed over the past 20 years" You would have be a dunce to say no. Of course it has changed and it always changes but in fact it didn't warm much if at all.

I am sure the results of the poll would have been quite different if they asked, Do you believe that our emissions of CO2 have significantly and harmfully changed our climate given that there is no significant change in temperature over that time?

Polls like this are the reason for my avatar. Let's look at some examples from the PDF:


" 9 out of 10 people polled believe that the climate has changed significantly in the past 20 years."

I thought a minimum of 30 years of data was needed to determine climate trends? I'd consider this result a possibility if those "people" were climate scientists who have rigorously analyzed loads of data. Otherwise, this just sounds like pure BS.


" In addition, people seem convinced that climate change is a scientific fact, since 3 out of 4 consider that climate change has been scientifically proven."

"climate change has been scientifically proven." Is that the title of some study I've never read? What the hell does that mean?


"Those polled believe that climate change has multiple consequences, the first being a steady rise in average temperatures"

I thought climate change means any change in climate, up/down, better/worse, more/less. This seems to equate climate change with global warming first and foremost.


"Of even more concern is the fact that 73% of people surveyed say they have personally observed this climate change."

Well, it doesn't get any more scientific than that, does it?

I used to have a pretty good opinion of Ipsos. But this one example just destroyed that. This is nothing more than a marketing tool by a big insurance company explaining why they have to hike their rates. Even forgetting for a moment the ridiculous questions and conclusions, I highly doubt this is a true random poll of the general public.

Ha! Ha! The Dorkster is just a piece of feces in a bowl of chocolate pudding. He is paid to support GW. He and others like him are paid to spew AGW garbage. He is supported by Y!A and has to provide so many questions a day or he will get kicked out of his mother's basement. The article and like articles that he presented are a dime a dozen and not worth even that. In fact he may be the author of them. They sink to his level of insanity.

In direct answer to your question: (I have to put statements like this one in because one of his tricks is to report you and say that the answer did not answer and the fellows at Y!A don't speak English very well and will go along with it.) If true science was decided by polls then we would be guided by witches and warlocks. Polls just tell the politicians how good their lies are and what next demented torture they can heap on their constituents without political consequences. As you say the temperature of the earth has gone down. That is a fact. It is a solid fact. Yet how many people believe it? They don't because of the lie, Goebbels lie. People like the Dorkster support the big lie and block anyone who has an ounce of intelligence from rebuttal because he is a coward and knows his questions could never stand up to the scrutiny of even an honest mediocre scientist. And it seems that he has a little helper, Elf.

Because the survey is not about climate change or temperatures.

Its all about what people say they BELIEVE.

This type of polling is pretty standard for checking the effectiveness of advertising & political campaign techniques.

The problem is, many people respond with answers they think the surveyor wants to hear instead of answering truthfully.

The 1948 Chicago tribune Dewey beats Truman headline is a classic example putting too much faith in polls.

The Americas were populated by malcontents who left their homelands instead of going along with the royal decrees of the Monarchs back home.

Apparently some of that original skepticism is still in the "New Worlds" gene pool.

The poll does not constitute science. The temperatures have not gone down. The deep ocean is starting to absorb more heat, reducing the heat increase into the atmosphere. But the ice is melting at ever faster rates and CO2 concentrations are still rapidly increasing. Island populations are seeing their land area decrease. GW/CC is a larger threat than ever before.

"Significantly" means whatever a respondent feels it means. Countless polls are designed that way.

You need to learn to spell -- especially in your title question. It's not "pole" but "poll," as shown in your update quoting someone who can spell it.

It would also help you if you'd avoid wasting half of your initial question calling someone a name and putting words in their mouth.


Our resident "climate dolt" ("climate clown" -IMHO) - "Hey Dook" hates the idea of someone being "patronized", but he does bring out an "interesting" point.