> Effects of global warming?

Effects of global warming?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
what are 4 or 5 effects of global warming ?

The warming that isn't happening ?

None, that is unless you count the record cold winters and snowfall.

Simplistic folk presume the warming is uniform throughout the globe.

However there are ocean currents, air currents and simple geography that interferes with how global warming affects different places. What is happening is that they are on the move, and we cannot rely on our climate reliably being what we (and crops and wildlife) are used to.

For example, I asked a question about this freezing Spring we are having in Britain right now. Our prevailing winds are from the south-west, over the sea, which is why it rains so much and the grass grows. Lately however, we have had this relentless easterly wind from Siberia that's been going on for weeks.

It is the Jet Stream that has shifted south. Normally it hangs over Norway, but at the moment it is over Spain. This has altered the direction of the prevailing wind over Britain. Is this a regular feature or just a whim of the weather? Who knows. There is a theory that as the arctic warms (and swimming polar bears bear this out), there is less temperature difference between the arctic and temperate latitudes. This affects the positioning of the Jet Stream that is partly guided by differences of temperature, but mostly by the earth spinning. The wind that used to warm Britain is now heading towards Spain.

Might that mean the Mediterranean gets even hotter than before? Quite possibly - added to general global warming, it might be enough to turn the climate of the Mediterranean into that of the Sahara, with catastrophic consequences on the economies of the Mediterranean countries. A similar effect may take place in America, whereby Texas becomes uninhabitable.

The other worry for the British is the dumping of freshwater into the Arctic Ocean by the great Siberian rivers, once the permafrost has melted in Russia. Nobody quite knows how much dilution of the salt water around Greenland is sufficient to switch off the Gulf Stream, only that when it happened before, it was sudden, and most of Northern Europe turned to ice. If Global warming heats it up a little, it might make the difference between a Spring temperature of -10C and a cosy temperature of around freezing hanging about till May. Either way, not much would grow there.

The biggest effect must be movements of people sparking off local wars that would trash the infrastructure and the entire cultural heritage of civilisation. There are monuments in Syria that Christ would have visited that are being pounded to rubble right now. Bombing whole nations back to the stone age was perhaps more prophetic that George W Bush intended it to be.

The effects of global warming are the ecological and social changes caused by the rise in global temperatures. There is a scientific consensus that climate change is occurring, and that human activities are the primary driver. Evidence of climate change includes the instrumental temperature record, rising sea levels, and decreased snow cover in the Northern Hemisphere. According to the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), most of the observed increase in global average temperatures since the mid-20th century is very likely due to the observed increase in human greenhouse gas concentrations.

Projections of future climate change suggest further global warming, sea level rise, and an increase in the frequency and severity of some extreme weather events. Parties to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) have agreed to "stabilize greenhouse gas concentrations in the atmosphere at a level that would prevent dangerous anthropogenic interference with the climate system.


winter to spring -grasses will grow, trees will sprout leaves (some will even bloom with flowers), flowers will bloom and smell nice, reptiles will come out of hibernation, snow will melt, rivers will start flowing with more water, etc....

Spring to summer - lots of normal activities of life happen

Temperatures in areas with lots of vegetation will fluctuate by as much as 40 degrees F in a single day.

Temperatures in places with little vegetation will fluctuate by as much as 60 degrees F in a single day.

Global mean (average) temperature has increased by 0.75 Celsius in over 130 years. That's an average of about 0.06 Celsius every 10 years. In one year ( between 1997 and 1998) the global average temperature went up 1 whole degree. Higher than it has in total for 130 years. This was due to a natural event though.

Enjoy the weather! It is what it is. The most that human emitted CO2 will cause the planet to warm is 0.3 Celsius. CO2 has limits of continuing to warm the planet due to saturated wavelengths that receive infrared radiation. Here's a nuclear physicist explaining it : http://tallbloke.files.wordpress.com/201...


If you are looking for a more alarming answer, then more are sure to come. I see that some of the usual band of alarmists have staked their claim to your question already.

effects of global warming causes skin cancer, acid rain.

80% of global warming is absorbed by the oceans..so the rising temps kill fish

the icecaps melt, raising water levels..which will flood out millions in SE Asia which is very low and densely populated

In the US..you get more percip in the east combined with warm water = mega hurricanes

More droughts in the SW leading to wildfires

You do have to laugh at answers like kano's here going with the alternate denier theory that it happening but it will make a nice warm world, an interesting theory that completely ignore the physics of what a warmer world will do (and is doing) to ice and sea level.

So the most obvious effect is a small rise in temperature (expected to grow larger) as the century advances, this is linked to measured rise in sea level as well as a retreat of most of the worlds mountain glaciers and more importantly large glaciers like Greenland and Antarctica.


This is linked to out release of greenhouse gases (mainly Co2) a good portion of this Co2 has been absorbed by the oceans which is going to effect hard shell sea creature like Phytoplankton and Krill, these creatures make up the base of the oceanic food chain anything that effects them effect every thing above them in that chain. Not sure were Dave87gn is getting his info from but oceanic Co2 absorption is more like 40% not 80


The other worry is methane locked up in permafrost, as ice retreats permafrost starts to melt and this releases methane that has been locked up in ice for millions of years, and permafrost across Russia and Canada is starting to show signs of melting, houses in Siberia are starting to simply sink.


you (or your teacher) assume that there is Global Warming...there is none...

Warmer wetter world.

more plant bio-mass

less deserts.

less tundra

More crops grown


Here is s site that will give you some info http://www.ucsusa.org/global_warming/sci...

what are 4 or 5 effects of global warming ?