> Has non-global warming now lasted more than 3 times longer than global warming?

Has non-global warming now lasted more than 3 times longer than global warming?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
It's the simple fact that only a warming trend is recognized by the extremist/alarmist/theorist. Any cooling or 'flat-lining' is considered moot to them. There has been no significant warming since 1998 when temperatures spiked almost 1C in just over one year and that was verified to be a natural event with very little human influence (except the recognition of it).

There has been no warming recently at all and the very little amount of warming from 1994 to 1998 was proven to be based on falsified data by Michael Man and Philip Jones, pseudo scientists and buddies with Al gore.

Yes; a lot more!

As everyone knows, statistically, short term trends are very unreliable. Therefore, the much superior method of simply comparing the last warmest year with today's temperatures is appropriate. Using this method it can be shown that, for 99% of the time, the planet is cooling!

Of course, once in a while, you will get a new warmest year, but all that means is that a new cooling trend has started!

Try looking just a teeeny bit further back than that. I believe that 0 line is, essentially, the average for the past century. It's not when warming started, it's just when warming got underway enough that the temperatures were no longer going below the previous average. Which is pretty remarkable, if you think about it. The *coldest* year since '95 is warmer than the *average* for the entire previous century, which sure doesn't sound like cooling to me...

Yes, and it is because Al Gore convinced people to spend a billion dollars a day to fight global warming.

Please publish your statistic analysis so the climatologists might have the benefit of your wisdom?

Or do you think the very people who took the data showing the 'pause' are incapable of drawing the correct conclusion from their own data?

why cherry pick dates or surface temperatures or even that dataset. If you do it with UAH, even from 1990, you get a an uptrend.

I say you're trying to pick data that fits your per-conceived worldview.

Yawn, the whole subject is getting very boring, nothing is happening, if it wasn't for stupid politicians spending trillions of our money on it, we could forget all about it.


The last time the planet saw the zero-line for temperature was 1994. Then there was a period of warming from 1994 to 1998. And there has been no additional warming since, in fact temperatures have declined since then. So it looks to me that the period of non-warming has now lasted more than three times the period of warming.

Global temperature from 1990 to present:


What say you?
