> What caused the global warming 10 000 years ago?

What caused the global warming 10 000 years ago?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
I don't think anybody really knows, probably planetary alignments (Milankovich cycles) combined with solar cycles, our sun is a variable star so it changes, but we haven't been around long enough to know what changes it is capable of.

CO2 increased with the warming (oceans out-gassing) and did not cause the rise.

Global Warming started in the 1970's where the real Global Warming device was found on an hostile continent and my Solution Triple Output I gave to 2 Embassies to implement. In July/2012 they implemented my Triple Output to help them feed their country and my other reason once implemented would slowly delete Global Warming of which may be happening. Our Satelites reported November 28 /2012 that Ice for the first time is accumulating on different parts of earth. Earth's environment was never in harms way. That came from EX-Pres. Bush after the 43,000 scientists concurred with their findings and my findings that man was'nt responsible for Global Warming. Later after my teams found the true source, We found its a Alien device. We're being invaded by Aliens. FACT. MIKE

Global Warming is a myth. Everyone woke up to that about five years ago.

The Sun.

Google ice ages and interglacials.

CO2, just like now, and just like every time the earth's climate has changed.


The dinosaurs

simple question with simple answer HUMANS