> If a half truth if a whole lie then obama lied to the everyone at the un climate talks by spinning stats to help his per

If a half truth if a whole lie then obama lied to the everyone at the un climate talks by spinning stats to help his per

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
agenda yes or no dont lie please trying to see if yahoo news lied one did so which one

TOTUS lies when the truth would make a better story (Teleprompter of the United States). Obama lied about Ferguson to the UN. Obama is your typical race hustler which is so common in the Democrat party. They want blacks to feel that they have been treated unfairly so they will get out and vote. They would rather lie to them and get them angry and hatefilled than to be truthful. They fail to mention that the guy who got shot just robbed a store and certainly rushed at the police officer after assaulting him. He could have legally been shot just a few minutes before when he robbed the store but we are supposed to believe he was just a poor innocent person. The race hustlers need to be called for the racist they are. Pegminer likes to play that game as well. Obama goes in front of the UN and pretends that Ferguson was an example of how bad America is. It is just one example of the lies that spew from the snake oil salesmen in Chief.

Do you have a link?

hey , talk like that can ruin rush's , and beck's , and savage's careers . they make millions a year telling the half truths of the right wing cons .

If that's the case, then you'd have to acknowledge the other side's egregious habit of lying.

but heck, the bit about Volcano CO2 admissions isn't even a half-truth, it's an utter lie.

No his WRITERS lied he only reads this $hit

obama lied

Learn how to write, then maybe your rants will make sense.

agenda yes or no dont lie please trying to see if yahoo news lied one did so which one