> Was Super Storm Sandy caused by Global Warming as Al Gore says?

Was Super Storm Sandy caused by Global Warming as Al Gore says?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
Most scientists, including the ones used by the IPCC, seem to be distancing themselves from the climate change causes storms idea.

Hoiwever, Big Al said:

Those hurricane numbers, I believe and correct me if I'm wrong, do not adjust for inflation. By far the most expensive hurricane for insurance companies when you adjust for inflation is Hurricane Andrew. It put over 10 larger insurance companies out of business and big boys State Farm and Allstate no longer offer insurance in Florida because they lost so much. Correct me also if I'm wrong that Hurricane Andrew was when the world was below 350ppm CO2.....2nd is Katrina 3rd is Sandy(only because it hit New York a heavily populated area) 4th when inflation is adjusted is Hurricane Camille in 1969......see any trends? I do not. The propaganda behind the "hurricanes are from AGW" is ridiculous and utter non sense. Hurricane Andrew is the most expensive Hurricane and it is not even close. ALL THIS IS WRONG ABOVE BUT I WILL KEEP IT TO PUNISH MYSELF FOR TYPING OFF THE TOP OF MY HEAD. THE ONLY TRUTH IS THE HURRICANE ANDREW INSURANCE COMPANY STUFF.

1. Southeast Florida, 1926, $164.8 billion?2. Katrina, 2005, $113.4 billion?3. Galveston, 1900, $104 billion?4. Galveston, 1915, $71.4 billion*?5. Andrew, 1992, $58.6 billion?6.?Sandy, 2012, $50 billion (est.)?7. New England, 1938, $41.1 billion?8. Southwest Florida, 1944, $40.6 billion?9. Southeast Florida/Lake Okeechobee, 1928, $35.3 billion?10. Ike, 2008, $29.5 billion

Notice that Sandy ranks a bit lower on this list. What's more, many of the 10 most destructive hurricanes came in the early part of the century. Still, even when we adjust for all of these different variables, eight of the 30 most destructive storms have occurred after the year 2000.

I copy pasted this.....keep in mind that many people did not have home insurance back then because homes were once very affordable so modern times will always be easier to determine cost of damage.

Was Super Storm Sandy caused by Global Warming as Al Gore says? No, there is no proof that Sandy (or any other weather event) was caused by AGW.

Even though All Gore did not say that, he did try to imply there is a link between AGW and Sandy. Not unlike your fallacy that because All Gore says something, climate science is a scam. (perpetrated by thousands of scientist all over the world, publishing their papers in order to get politicians in all countries to raise taxes on every one)

Learn to listen to what politicians do and don't say, watch out for weasel words words and when a known liar (like yourself) says something, be even more skeptical then usual, however try to be polite rather then resort to name calling. [1]

Nobody but you deniers talk about Gore The rest of us could care less. yes the man is still active in AGW education but he was never a warmist guru, even though an inconvenient truth did wake a lot of people up for the need to protect the environment with eyes toward the future.

I don't believe SS Sandy was caused by GW although it is a possibility. A lot of scientists think the severity of the storm might have been due to AGW

Why exactly do you constantly talk about Gore instead of trying to disprove AGW This is just another of your distraction questions

I don't think a scientist would have said it like he did--but then he is not a scientist, except maybe to BB, who believes that political scientists that work on climate are scientists:


However, everyone that studies tropical cyclones--including the hurricane expert and self-professed climate change denier William Gray--knows that warm water strengthens hurricanes. There is no question about that, since hurricanes are heat engines that derive their energy from the latent heat of water vapor.

We also know that Superstorm Sandy was enhanced by unusually warm water in the north Atlantic, which was as much as 3 degrees Celsius above normal--that is a huge difference.

You can debate about whether that particular warm water was caused by global warming, but we know that global warming is associated with warmer sea surface temperatures.

Personally, I don't look to politicians for my scientific information, but it seems to be the primary source for people that deny AGW.

>Nobody but you deniers talk about Gore The rest of us could care less. yes the man is still active in AGW education but he was never a warmist guru, even though an inconvenient truth did wake a lot of people up for the need to protect the environment with eyes toward the future.

C contradicts himself one sentence to the next. Typically we are told Gore doesn't matter, but then they acknowledge he is influential. They want to have him spreading scare stories, but don't want to own the falsity of his statements. This is why they lose credibility.

He might have said that, but no knowledgeable poster here, in his right mind, will take YOUR word for it.

At least post a link to the anti-science blog you got this from. Then we can perhaps trace from there, and see for ourselves what Gore actually said, and in which context, before opining what -if anything- a statement by a non-scientist such as Gore might have to do with the science of global warming.

Here's a link to what Al Gore actually said:http://www.washingtontimes.com/blog/wate...

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He was quoted in the article as blogging the following:

"The images of Sandy’s flooding brought back memories of a similar―albeit smaller scale― event in Nashville just two years ago. There, unprecedented rainfall caused widespread flooding, wreaking havoc and submerging sections of my hometown. For me, the Nashville flood was a milestone. For many, Hurricane Sandy may prove to be a similar event: a time when the climate crisis―which is often sequestered to the far reaches of our everyday awareness became a reality.

While the storm that drenched Nashville was not a tropical cyclone like Hurricane Sandy, both storms were strengthened by the climate crisis. Scientists tell us that by continually dumping 90 million tons of global warming pollution into the atmosphere every single day, we are altering the environment in which all storms develop. As the oceans and atmosphere continue to warm, storms are becoming more energetic and powerful. Hurricane Sandy, and the Nashville flood, were reminders of just that. Other climate-related catastrophes around the world have carried the same message to hundreds of millions.

Gore concluded at the end of his blog that “dirty energy makes dirty weather.”:

Hurricane Sandy is a disturbing sign of things to come. We must heed this warning and act quickly to solve the climate crisis. Dirty energy makes dirty weather."

I agree that a link to the quote would have been helpful, but regardless always find Gore's comments interesting, so it is worth it to me from time to time to google a particular circumstance and appreciate your bringing it up in the form of a question, I doubt I would have spotted it otherwise. Gore has a great way of putting his foot in his mouth that is reminiscent of Dan Quayle, another former VP that was entertaining. As with many Vice Presidents former and current, how seriously any are to be taken is a matter of some contention, but in this particular instance it is clear that he did NOT say that Sandy was 'caused' by AGW, he said it was an example of weather being made more extreme by it. Whether that is true or not is beside the point; what is more relevant is that Gore seizes these opportunities to ring alarms that may or may not be warranted based on single weather events. He is indeed an alarmist in my opinion, and his opinions need to be taken in context. I do think his credibility is suspect for a number of reasons, but I don't think it is necessary to put words in his mouth, it is already pretty crowded with his foot in there.

EDIT: I looked at Graphic's link to the video interview with Gore, thank you for the link, GC. Once again, Gore did not say that AGW CAUSED Super Storm Sandy, he said AGW made the event worse than it would have been naturally and linked AGW to increasing weather extremes. And once again, Gore came across as an alarmist. I wish the guy would just shut up and more objectivity would prevail across the entire spectrum of climate change reporting, but the media is not going to let go of sensational news bits. I do wonder how climate scientists collectively feel about him...

Sandy was caused by the same condtions that cause all other hurricanes and what Big Al says doesn't change things. Sandy was no worse than hurricanes that struck the coast decades ago, but there was more stuff built out there on the coast to be damaged this time.

Not the most timely question.

You were up all night watching the Rocky Horror Picture Show again, huh?


Any weather that someone, somewhere, doesn't like, is global warming. Including this cold ***** of a winter.

Did Al Gore say that? Evidence please.

Edit to JC. Good answer and thanks for the links.

It would be tough to argue that AGW is all propaganda. But it would be impossible to argue there is no propaganda as Al Gore is direct empirical evidence for it.