> Is there no limit to alarmists' attempts at scaring people?

Is there no limit to alarmists' attempts at scaring people?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
There are no limits. Once they get caught in the lie they just move the goal posts and jack up the rhetoric. Their evil agenda comes first.

Stubby, what scare tactics does Rush Limbaugh use? Huh? Imaginary ones? I've never heard him or even heard of him use scare tactics. No one goes to bed scared of what he says about the environment. Use some sanity in your arguments.

In fact, the executive is transforming our government into a totalitarian state and attempting to bypass the legislature and courts. The Constitution means nothing to eco-fascists. Power uber alles.

Stubby links to Cosmos. Apparently Tyson said trees covered the earth 300 million years ago. In fact, trees didn't cover the earth. Most of the earth was covered in ocean and lots was desert and mountains but I digress. I hate idiocy masquerading as science either from Tyson or misquotes. Are we supposed to excuse mistakes like that because he belongs to the progressive church.


He seems like someone who really isn't that interested in science. He is more interested in causes.

Actually, it's ratings-whores like Rush Limbaugh who use scare tactics.

But these are wise words by Dr. Tyson;

We just can't seem to stop burning up all those buried trees from way back in the carboniferous age, in the form of coal, and the remains of ancient plankton, in the form of oil and gas. If we could, we'd be home free climate wise. Instead, we're dumping carbon dioxide into the atmosphere at a rate the Earth hasn't seen since the great climate catastrophes of the past, the ones that led to mass extinctions.

We just can't seem to break our addiction to the kinds of fuel that will bring back a climate last seen by the dinosaurs, a climate that will drown our coastal cities and wreak havoc on the environment and our ability to feed ourselves. All the while, the glorious sun pours immaculate free energy down upon us, more than we will ever need. Why can't we summon the ingenuity and courage of the generations that came before us? The dinosaurs never saw that asteroid coming. What's our excuse?

Read more: http://www.upi.com/Entertainment_News/TV...

No limit to their attempts?

For the true alarmists, no.

Higher storm surges etc.. Laughable. NOAA data etc show reducing rates and strengths of hurricanes. Fewer and weaker tornadoes etc.

They just make a bigger deal out of the ones there are and try to compare impacts in today's dollars versus costs from decades ago without adjusting for inflation. Additionally with increased urban sprawl humans continue to cover a larger and larger amount of land with our living space. So even fewer storms WILL cause more damage just because our rate of expansion continue to accelerate.

Want to argue that we should work to slow this expansion etc. I can help you come up with a lot of good reasons to do that. Argue Climate change etc. and I will laugh as the data does not support the claims.

on 12 21 12 atmospheric CO2 hit 400 ppm . this is passed the point of no return . the earth will be going into a irreversible , permanent greenhouse effect . at best we have 2 decades left before the seas boil off into space and humanity turns to dust . money won't help , the secret government bunkers won't help , the deniers die too .


Does Dr. (Mike I assume) Tyson have any evidence of large increases in CO2 leading to "great climate catastrophes of the past"? OR is he ignorantly spouting crap. Because what I have seen of the past, is that mass extinction came from severe cooling and NEVER warming. Further, while the idiot talks about the dinosaurs NOT seeing the asteriod coming, I find it entertaining that he is comparing AGW with an asteriod, ESPECIALLY since we have no planetary defense for an asteriod. And an asteriod killed in the past, whereas more CO2 in the atmosphere never has.

He is saying all this garbage for ratings.

Further, that numbnuts idiots goes on to claim that we will not survive climate change. WHAT A MORON!!! You really should not quote someone so stupid.

Or do you actually think you can defend climate change killing off mankind???

We were supposed to be out of oil by 2000 which was supposed to collapse human civilization into the abyss of famine, wars, etc. if we didn't stop breeding and driving SUVs

bogus predictions and no proof its happening now .

There is no formula for connecting a weather event to AGW . No proof at atomic level .

Look for more Alarmist lies as the Taxpayer-provided $$Billions in subsidies/"research" grants are more and more threatened.

Those scientists feeding on this trough might have to go out and find REAL jobs....where REAL results are expected!

One American TV producer once said that you can never underestimate the intelligence of the average viewing public, in other word you can show any ridiculous sh!t you want and they will believe it.

From the Climate Impact Report,

Major storms and the higher storm surges exacerbated by sea level rise that hit the Gulf Coast affect the entire country through their cascading effects on oil and gas production and distribution.

So apparently if we don't cut back on fossil fuels, oil and gas production will be hurt.

It has been done before. So it it isn't even "unprecedented".
