> What is all this fuss about global warming for?

What is all this fuss about global warming for?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
Thank you. Simple and to the point.

A few questions to ask yourself:

What is the current rate of change? Is this "natural"?

What is the "natural" rate that should be occurring now (we should actually have been getting cooler over the last 20 years or so)?

What are the impacts of climate change, irrelevant of the "influences"? (The Stern Report put the cost at around $10 billion a year of the global GDP in the near future)

Society as we know today has developed on a fairly stable climate. A change in the climate has not been planned for by society, and therefore the management and mitigation of future changes (again irrelevant of the influences) need to be considered. Is your local hospital equipped to deal with higher heat stress illness? Are houses designed to "cool" populations during heat waves? Is the infrastructure set up to deal with increased storm severity (the roads, drains, houses)?

To me the RISKS are the "fuss" ...

According to real science, it starting cooling down 5 million years ago and the jungles disappeared and the grasslands started growing to replace them. This is when they think our ancestors came out of the trees, because there were fewer trees. Then we had Ice Ages and the temperature went up and down. Now I guess we were polluting millions of years ago with our cars and industries and stuff because according to climate changers the planet only gets warm because of us. In any case the Earth is going back to the temp of 5 million years ago so technically the real climate change was the cooling because prior to 5 million years ago the Earth was warm for 100's of millions of years, much longer than this little 5 million year cool spell.

Here are some of the things scientists have to say about AGW:


And here are some more sources for information:






http://answers.yahoo.com/question/index;... (a while back, I asked people to post links to sources at various experience levels)

The fact is, there are a lot of things that can influence global surface temperatures. Some of them are short term (like the ENSO cycles). Some of them are more or less cyclical (like the 11-year sunspot cycle). Right now, the only major one we know of that is trending in the same direction as the temperature is human greenhouse gas contributions.

And, of *course* temperatures are fluctuating. They always fluctuate. It's a matter of signal-to-noise ratio. There's a lovely analogy here: http://www.climatecentral.org/blogs/scie... about a man walking a dog on a long leash.





Really,what it is about is because we have been releasing harmful gases out of factories,which surround the earth causing a heat trap,which is the reason it has bee so hot recently,meltung ice to overwelm islands and killing subartic wildlife.

Because scientists don't know how to open a bible.

Man-made Global Warming is a huge money making SCAM.

If you want all the detail on it you should watch these, they are very good.

The Great Global Warming Swindle

the dailymail thing is easy- it's distorted. The Met office even sent a press release about it.

what you feel is not important. Providing concrete evidence is.

If you really care about learning ...


Recently I have decided to do a bit of investigation into all this global warming mumbo jumbo. Lots of people have been telling me that we are having a profound effect on the temperature of our earth because of our use of fossil fuels and that it is increasing because of us and at an unnatural rate.

So i went on Google and looked for "global temperature history" and this is the first image i found:


Now i am no scientist but I don't think it takes a genius to realise that regardless of what we have been doing since the start of the industrial revolution the temperature of our planet has varied enormously without our influence.

Why all of a sudden have we decided that the minuscule changes we are seeing today are a massive problem and fundamentally caused by us?? It seems blindingly obvious to me that regardless of if we release CO2 into the atmosphere or not the planet's temperature would be fluctuating tremendously due to natural influences.

Also if our burning of fossil fuels is really increasing global temperature then how can you explain this?:


I feel a bit like this phenomenon of anthropogenic climate change has been invented and blown out of proportion purely for some malevolent selfish desire to capitalise off of a fictitious "disaster".

No, you're no scientist - or anything that requires learning, education, and knowledge.