> Will this affect the lives of polar bears/global warming?

Will this affect the lives of polar bears/global warming?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
It looks like they have already made it up there.



We are told that the deep ocean is warming up, with some sort of layer mixing.

So when the glass bottles sink, they will encounter a warmer deep ocean that will transport the bottles to the Arctic. There, now that there is no ice, they will float up in response to the sunlight reaching through for the first time.

So you are saying you and 1 one friend drank 12 bottle of coke each (or simply wasted it by tipping it out) then through the empties into the sea, which denier site told you glass bottles float. Even if this fairly obvious and lame troll where true a bottle unless very carefully sealed will fill and sink almost immediately, something you may find out in a few years when you get to high school science classes.

i.e. time for you to add extra info pretending you sealed the top.

Did you attach a bottle opener too? If not then the poor bears could bruise their teeth and gums trying to open those bottles for the next commercial.

Well did you ever thought that dumping bottles into the ocean actully pollutes it and does more harm than good and that the bottles might not even go close to the north pole.And also the'll sink to the bottom.

You didn't send them some Taco Bell? At least you could have sent them a large flour torrilla to wrap up some Eskimoes and baby seals.

Love it Maxx!

In answer to your question. Don't expect a Christmas card from Al Gore!

Good question.

let's give it up for antarticice and his superior intelligence for incorrectly spelling the word "threw." we'll let the lack of a sense of humor slide...

We get enough irrelevant and stupid questions here without you

Hey! So i have a quick question regarding the arctic and polar bears. So the other day my friend and I bought a whole case (24) of glass coca cola bottles. we went to the nearby beach and tossed them into the ocean, as we are supposed to. so we were just wondering, will these 24, non-decomposable glass coke bottles make it to the arctic in time for the polar bears to have them for christmas? we love those commercials and really wanted to help, but we couldn't get directly to the arctic so we just chucked em straight into the atlantic off of a cliff.

thanks guys!