> Will the year 2020 be a climate disaster on Mother Earth?

Will the year 2020 be a climate disaster on Mother Earth?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
In the year 2020 Mercury,Venus,Earth,Mars,Jupiter and Saturn will all be near alignment on the same side of the Sun. Will Gravitational forces be hard at work on Earths climate?

yeah remember 12 21 12 ? it came and went and it seemed like nothing happened ? something did . that was the day atmospheric CO2 hit 400 ppm * . this is passed the point of no return . the earth WILL go into an irreversible , permanent greenhouse effect . we turn into venus - 800 degrees F at noon . 98 % of all atmosphere scientists see this coming .

ever watch the charlton heston classic movie Soylent Green ? it was science fiction when it came out in 1973 , but it is eerily accurate as to the story and timeline of how global warming is going to kill us . the oceans die in 2017 , by 2023 , after 5 years of worldwide crop failures, food will be made from people . see you on the other side .

Um, do you remember the whole thing with 2012 being the end of the Earth because of the whole entire solar system being perfectly aligned? Because that already happened and it ended up not killing us - not even a little bit.

So no, 2020 will just be another year in our existence as humans on the planet Earth.

Tip of the day - when Earth decides it's time to not exist for whatever reason we'll all see it coming from millions of miles away, it won't be some obscure planetary alignment that happens every 50,000 years or so.

Yes, it will be exactly as disastrous as 2014 if not less. It also will have chain of disasters on Mercury,Venus, Mars, Jupiter and Saturn. They all will experience exactly same type of disasters as in 2014 or less. That all will be due to alignment on the same side of the Sun, and Gravitational forces. But nobody will know or care much, beside may be astronomers and astrology maniacs... =D

No, not really, the planets are just too far away from us and too small to have a huge effect on Earth. Tides may rise unnaturally high but not dangerously high. The moon has a huge affect on us because it is on 300k km away from us and the sun also affects us because it's so darn big

You should read 'The Jupiter affect' and its sequel 'Why the Jupiter affect did not Happen'

theres no way to know, just like in 1999 people thought that by 2000 there was going to be a huge computer crash and all that weird stuff, like i said theres no way to possibly know these things currantly at this time

No, similar alignments happen fairly regularly; every 18 - 20 years or so, and when they do, nothing happens!

In 1982 all the planets lined up (even Pluto. Is it a planet again?) and we survived.

There's no reason for this to happen.

This happens at about 200yr intervals and has happened millions of times in Earth history, So no big deal.

In the year 2020 Mercury,Venus,Earth,Mars,Jupiter and Saturn will all be near alignment on the same side of the Sun. Will Gravitational forces be hard at work on Earths climate?

astrology does not describe climate
