> Is there any sanity left in the AGW cultist movement?

Is there any sanity left in the AGW cultist movement?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 

Vegetarianism is part of the green religion, so actions to increase the cost of beef would be encouraged by greenies. They are quiet about it because they know forced vegetarianism doesn't have the votes even on their own side.

What makes you think Obama is left wing? The two main parties are both right wing, [1] One just more so then the other. For example; Obamacare is very similar to Romneycare. A government who cared for the health of it's people and was opposed to wasting citizens money, rather then profits for insurance companies, would put through a single payer system because it is both cheaper and gives better outcomes. on the Job front, even the call centres the doctors call to check if a treatment is approved by one of the insurance companies, are often located in other countries, like the Philippines, which is good for those countries.

If I had a swine farm, I would seriously consider putting in a biogas plant. If it would provide energy to heat a greenhouse and/or electricity to run the grow lights. This could very well be cost effective...

Then again, not many conservatives on this site are as interested in economics as they are in making ridiculous claims that democrats are left wing and cultist, intend on destroying the economy.

The link to the original is near the start of the article: http://www.whitehouse.gov/the-press-offi...

What it says is:

"Agriculture: In June, in partnership with the dairy industry, the USDA, EPA and DOE will jointly release a “Biogas Roadmap” outlining voluntary strategies to accelerate adoption of methane digesters and other cost-effective technologies to reduce U.S. dairy sector greenhouse gas emissions by 25 percent by 2020."

The Daily Caller article says:

“Cows emit a massive amount of methane through belching, with a lesser amount through flatulence,”

Well C might be right this time, it was a stupid article.

However I believe the EPA is a beaurocratic dangerous organization, which will ultimately harm the US, yes it has an important job to do, most private concerns do not worry about pollution just profits and need to be watched. but the EPA seems to be going above and beyond that with politics being involved.

Well I don't know about in the "AGW cultist movement", since I don't know what that is, but I think there is a definite lack of sanity in the Yahoo denier movement. One guy thinks the Earth began 6000 years ago, another posts pictures of his very young daughter holding a semiautomatic weapon, another thinks that he personally ended global warming in 2008, one guy thinks it's a conspiracy of Reptilians and the royal family, others are obsessed with Goebbels and the Nazis, one guy thinks every scientist that disagrees with him is a leftist socialist communist.

Should I go on? What a bunch of whackadoodles.

And it's not so much cow flatulence that's a problem, it's cows burping--not that I would expect your source to be at all accurate, since you're clearly crazy too.

EDIT for graphicconception: So why do you think the Daily Caller put "flatulence" in the headline? My guess is because they're a piece of trash.

I don't understand why anyone that has not done their own study of this subject would act like it's crazy, anyway. It's typical of the denial mentality to believe one to be an expert on subjects of which they know nothing.

EDIT for Ian: Are you calling yourself a climate scientist now? What an insult to climate scientists. You were the one who thought "Garbage In, Garbage Out" sounded appropriate but didn't really understand what it referred to. I'm sorry, maybe you DID know what it meant but since you gave zero evidence for the "Garbage In" half of the phrase, I assume you didn't. Or you could have just been lying, like usual.

Most alarmists deny reality so by definition they are psychotic. There are a few here that emphatically state "There is NO global warming pause. And we know exactly why the pause is occurring." One of them pretends to be a climate scientist but has absolutely know clue what Garbage In, Garbage out means. Adjusting data to fit your hypothesis is now acceptable "scientific" procedure to them. If you believe the world will end because of man made CO2 but not in this century they consider you a "skeptic". If you do not believe that man is the primary driver of any supposed global warming you are a "denier".

What a bunch of whackadoodles.

If there is, none of them answer questions on this site.

Just look at Peggy, "Well I don't know about in the "AGW cultist movement", since I don't know what that is."

He is too close to it to see it. Pretty soon he may wise up and then he'll say, "I have met the cultists and they is us."

To the EPA Cows may also be known as known BDU's (barn destruction units).


This is nothing new as this 2006 report shows.


Since the elimination of food production has always been part of their original agenda it should be viewed more as an application of cold logic than an as indication of insanity.

Incidentally the original proposed "fart tax bill" was 090110.


This tax of $175 for dairy cows but only $20 for pigs seems to me to be illegally prejudiced against pigs.

They've already successfully eliminated all of our industrial manufacturing ability, started blowing up our hydro electric dams & closing our power plants.

We can only hope they dont go after our sense of humor next.

Methane from cattle does contribute to global warming, though less than carbon dioxide, because we are adding much less methane to the atmosphere and methane has a shorter residence time than carbon dioxide. And research is being performed into reducing methane production by cattle.


Well the dailycaller is not much more than a denier rag

cow farts are insignificant

I see no link to what the administration actually said
