> Can we power the world simply with trees?

Can we power the world simply with trees?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
Ha! Ha! Have Michelle fly over to China on a plane using wood chips!

There is a difference in potential in any two dissimilar substances. That is why thermocouples work so effectively. But it takes more than that to power a house. Take the photovoltaic cell or photo cell, it produces a greater voltage and amperage, meaning power, than a tree. It takes a lot of manipulation to get that power in a useful form, to run your refrigerator, for example. Now if you are careful enough you could run just a Peltier type refrigerator with photo cells but even that would be tricky in the night time. Trees may have similar daytime/nighttime qualities. The trees would have to be hooked in series in order to get any substantial voltage. Could the voltage produced by one tree(and the article referred to millivolts) be enough to compensate for the line loss of the conductor between the trees?

There are other more reliable sources that could harnessed. Tesla was working on several of them just before he met a premature death.

Basically I am saying the same thing, however the work that Tesla did was more theoretically practical. Look what happened to him. Mysterious death and records confiscated. H-m-m-m. Sounds fishy to me.

Basically you are right. But I think the government should stay out of it. I think that legally competitors should not have influence. This is one of my favorite subjects. Tucker, for example had lot of pretty good innovations. He was steamrollered by the government and competitors. Who suffered? The Common Joe, of course.

Can we power the world simply with trees? Not that long ago we did, so the answer has to be yes.

We can even transform the wood chips into gasoline [1], essentially enabling Michelle to fly over to China on a plane using wood chips. And rather then using lemons to power a car you could use citrus waste products to make gasoline [2] and use the car engine just as you do now to charge the battery.

Now while it is possible, I seriously doubt either would be practical in our current high energy economy. I certainly like all modern conveniences...

There are alternatives in order to power the continent(s) current energy needs. For example using wind we would need to install more wind turbines then we would need on an average day. (just to make sure we have sufficient electricity on calm days). This would mean that on average, we have more then we use and the excess can be used for other purposes, including the manufacture of hydrogen gas. (I am using wind power as an example as it is the cheapest source of electricity other then natural gas, but the same is true for any energy source, including the cheaper energy sources like methane or the more expensive sources such as coal and nuclear [3])

It is not likely, but not impossible either.

Once you have exposed them with your research, we get the Babylonian Intergalactic Reptilians to transport 99% of the world's current population to the Moon Matrix, and the Saturn Matrix, using 4th dimension hyperspace travel. Scotty could help beam them away.

But, it would doubtless be easier (not to say preferable to those 99% of involuntary emigrees) if Reptilians were to simply use their 4th dimension intergalactic energy beams to run all the world's power plants, plus maybe 5x as many new ones, all predesigned for holographic Illumination Zapo power, which could charge batteries to run everything else. Then the earth's population could all stay on earth, and we could use trees for wood, forest ecosystems, windbreaks, shade, etc. instead of burning them in giant furnaces with turbines.

Absent such unlikely scenarios, we are probably stuck with using the fossil fuels which the Rockefeller Illuminati have foisted on us, and the alt-energies those Illumnati are also conning us with, using the excuse (concocted once again by those same Illuminated Lizardhead Transdimensional conspirators) of AGW.

Actually, though, since the Illuminati control everything anyway, what is the use of discussing any of this here??!

Good grief, Billy, it looks like you may have to consult the BIBLE (that unmentionable horror that I have just mentioned now!) regarding free will versus predestination!

Coal is trees. To harness the power of trees directly could probably be done but I don't think the output would justify the costs or even pay for the research that would be necessary. Solar panels would be much cheaper, much more efficient and we already have the Technology.

We used to power the world with trees, but even with a population less than a billion and much lower energy requirements, we were deforesting the planet. With our current population over 7 billion, it wouldn't be possible.

Great idea!!!...so how many trees would it take to equal my car battery? Perhaps lemon batteries would be easier to haul around.

"By multiplying the average amps of a lemon (0.001A/ 1mA) by the average (lowest) volts of a lemon (0.7V) we can conclude that it would take approximately 6,171,430 lemons to give us the power of an average 4320W car battery."


Uh-oh...6 million lemons?

Ahhh. skip it.

Edit: Well since you mentioned Tesla, I've always been intrigued by his pneumatic powered, harmonic resonance "Earthquake machine" ...Mythbusters did a segment on it a while back...and a modern company has indeed invented a similar combustion/spring power device that runs on multiple fuels and could be used to generate electrical power or to power HEV's or extend their range....40 hp equivalent from a 120 pound package and it's scalable. The search for free energy or overunity devices has always been a fascinating topic to me and some designs seem like they could be credible.

Dual piston, spring recoil linear generator/ motor..

Probably not. We need nuclear power.


Good stuff here. Free energy is not possible? These geniuses power devices simply plugging them into trees. Something the Illuminati will never allow but good for these guys......now they are working for the Illuminati at Google so they will never continue this great work. Basically they were paid millions to shut up.