> Will Australian's be appriciate the lower prices we will now get at the supermarket ?

Will Australian's be appriciate the lower prices we will now get at the supermarket ?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
Now that the carbon tax is gone


I will if it happens,but I always find that when the government gives us something big business finds another way to rip us off.

I suspect that the benefits would not all be passed to the consumer.


Maxx asked a very similar question, I did a bit of research…

It’s not all good news for Australians. The current tax is being abolished but Tony Abbott, the Australian Prime Minister, has already announced he intends to bring in a new scheme.

Under the current system only the most polluting businesses are penalised, they pay for each tonne of CO2 they emit above a pre-determined level. Critics claim that this is damaging business, forcing up prices and hurting the economy.

The new system will be a 2.5 billion dollar (both A and US dollar) taxpayer funded plan that pays companies to reduce their emissions. Ultimately, the consumer/taxpayer is still being penalised.

I’d be very surprised if supermarkets lowered their prices – once they go up they tend to stay up, the supermarkets win and the consumer loses; sound familiar?

There will be no change in supermarket prices, except upwards. The supermarkets have admited as much and so has Abbott

Woolworths have said that only 5 items in their 40,000 range rose in price because of the carbon tax, so it's unlikely that prices will fall.

Some people actually believe that we will save money with the abolishment of the carbon tax ??? lol. The only ones who will benefit will be big businesses, as per usual with a lib government. Already we are paying more taxes.

Your use of grammar and spelling is horrendous Dexter. I always appreciate lower prices on anything.

I am sooo excited by the prospect of all that money going into my pocket.

I'm packing for my round the world trip as we speak.

Don't think the supermarket chain isn't gonna put the prices down.Once it goes up it stays up and it's always have been.

I'll appreciated it when I happens. But won't happen because of the repeal of the carbon tax, as it wasn't the cause of the price rises to begin with

Now that the carbon tax is gone
