> If Steyer wanted to promote GW and is proud of his 250,000 civilian base, why didn't he just turn to the 97% of all

If Steyer wanted to promote GW and is proud of his 250,000 civilian base, why didn't he just turn to the 97% of all

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
Steyer spent about $65 million helping the Democrats buy more propaganda, but if the truth is known, he probably hurt the Dems more than he helped them. The 'climate change' mantra is almost as popular as the gun control mantra with the American people. That's probably why 4 of the 6 Democrats that ran on pushing the Global Warming agenda lost their elections.

We can all hope Steyer continues to spend his money to help the Democrats lose seats.


The 97% applies just to climate scientists, not all scientists.

That is the percent that think man causes some GW, however little.

90% of climate scientist think that man has caused at least half of the recent warming.

Looks like he has "swindled" about 0.0035% of the world's population into believing in his own ignorance with all of that $$$.


This proves once and again that so-called "global warming" is a political issue and not a scientific issue.

Steyer and his camp stress that they have created an infrastructure ― which includes identifying 250.000 “climate voters” ― for the long haul.

“I feel as if we did better than we expected.”

If 97% of the scientists is true, then they would be more than 250,000.