> What do conservatives fear the MOST? Probably global warming and the EPA. True or False?

What do conservatives fear the MOST? Probably global warming and the EPA. True or False?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
I think most people in the US will come to fear the EPA and the 72 other non-elected federal bodies that have staff that are armed. (NOAA? Library of Congress?)

Currently, they are doing the bidding of a political elite whose views some of you share. Will you still be in favour of an EPA with such power when you get the next right wing republican in office?

What happens when the EPA gets a new boss who thinks they are powerful enough to challenge the government?

As Winston Churchill said, democracy is the worst form of government except for all the rest. When the people in power are not the ones you can vote for then democracy has a problem We are approaching that state in Europe now. The EU parliament is just that, a talking shop. We can vote for the members but the actual control of the EU is with the non-elected comissioners and a small political elite.

On the other hand, global warming is not a problem. Just before I was born, the UK faced a serious threat from a foreign power. I heard the stories about life in the country during those years. Basically, everyone joined the team and we "all pulled together" in a way not seen before or since. The GW problem is a long way from that.

Scientists do research then take all possible steps to stop you getting access to the data. That is not a team pulling together. People did profiteer during WWII but there were severe penalties if caught. These days you are positively encouraged to profiteer. You have money thrown at you - particularly if you support the winning party in the elections.

I am going to go with the EPA as the only logical answer.

Republican doesn't equal conservative. Jeesh, the ignorance of politics is breathtaking. Linlyons can keep Nixon. Tricky Dicky is a good example of a non conservative. The EPA has become a weapon in the hands of statists. All Repubican (mispelling meant) grabs at bigger government have had unintended consequences. The endangered species act is being abused by the usual suspects as is the EPA. Global warming is just an excuse by the wacko left to use the stick of the EPA to attack capitalism, development it doesn't approve of, and industry. If the EPA would behave in a lawful manner and is used as originally intended, there wouldn't be anything to fear but it doesn't. It behaves like the IRS and if you don't fear the IRS, you are crazy.

Thorn, modern H. sapiens hybridized with H. neanderthalenses over 40 thousand years ago. All non subsaharan people have Neanderthal genes. How do you know Neanderthals weren't the peaceful ones. You don't know obviously but ranting is more important to you than actual science. Most people pick best answers from people that they agree with. It would be kind of silly if they didn't.

The Affordable Healthcare Act seems to incite conservatives more readily than global warming, the EPA, and a whole host of other things. Taxes and the general size of government seems to be a Republican rally cry although historically, a number have taken some pretty nice public works projects back home. It appears as if the domestic economy is on the docket and, many carry a lot of Pro-Life/Anti Roe-v-Wade support along with NRA support.

The government or EPA, but not exclusively. The government that is so worried about our children's atmosphere in the future but not their debt. The EPA which has the power to ban DDT, causing actual deaths in the millions per year. That is more to be afraid of than some mythical convoluted scam perpetuated by proven liars and evil people in general. Global Warming has never killed a person, yet EPA's banning of DDT is responsible for millions of death. Now I ask you, based on those two basic facts,which one would you be afraid of? Any sane person would be afraid of the EPA.

False - A Republican President created the EPA

False - A Republican President created the EPA

False - A Republican President created the EPA

False - A Republican President created the EPA

False - A Republican President created the EPA

False - A Republican President created the EPA

Jello, "A Republican President created the EPA". True. Back when republicans had morals. Today, way to many republicans want to do away with the EPA. Maybe you heard Rick Perry say that in the republican primary debates. And he's not the only one.

That said, what republicans fear is brains.


"McConnell: Repeal ObamaCare, but Kentucky can keep its 'Kynect' program ".

Kynect IS Obamacare.

Republicans depend on voters who are dumb enough to believe McConnell.

False - A Republican President created the EPA

If I was a US citizen I would certainly fear the power that the EPA has obtained.

If I was a US citizen I would certainly fear the power that the EPA has obtained.

If I was a US citizen I would certainly fear the power that the EPA has obtained.

If I was a US citizen I would certainly fear the power that the EPA has obtained.

I fear faceless bureaucrats that don't know how to change a tire, paint a house or plant a garden. I fear those who think words change things, but actions do not. I fear those who want to social engineer everything and everyone. I fear wimps who think they can control the weather by taxing me.

I fear those who have never run a business, been forced to sacrifice themselves for others, or understand that freedom is not free.

Welfare-grubbing Hippies.

Welfare-grubbing Hippies.

The EPA is worthless . people poop in the halls and never show up for work . One claimed he was a spy for the CIA and they never knew . He just stayed home and collected his paycheck .

If I was a US citizen I would certainly fear the power that the EPA has obtained.

Welfare-grubbing Hippies.

Rational people fear low information voters. The difference between genius and stupidity is that genius has it's limits.

If I was a US citizen I would certainly fear the power that the EPA has obtained.

Welfare-grubbing Hippies.

If I was a US citizen I would certainly fear the power that the EPA has obtained.

False - A Republican President created the EPA

False - A Republican President created the EPA

If I was a US citizen I would certainly fear the power that the EPA has obtained.

False - A Republican President created the EPA