> What do you think about greenhouse effect?

What do you think about greenhouse effect?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
I'm quite grateful for it as without it the temperature of the earth Earth would be about -19°C, and it would be pretty much a solid block of ice. On the other hand, it's possible to have too much of a good thing. The plants and animals on earth have adapted well to the current conditions on the Earth and we are now putting about 30 billion tons of CO2 into the air each year by burning fossil fuels, which is increasing the greenhouse effect and warming the earth. If it gets much warmer, we, and the plants and animals that we depend on for food and shelter may begin disappearing much to our detriment.

Green house effect is due the increase of CO2 which dosenot allow the radiation from sun to reflect back

This is increasing earths temperature and is affecting polar melting and the scientists are telling us that this will lead to the next ice age

It is a pretty good concept but kind of falls apart in the end (mass extinction).

Co2 causes a small increase in warming, no-one disagrees to that, but it is minuscule compared to natural cycles, and may actually be beneficial.

Global warming is by far preferable to global cooling.

it helps the earth but also may cause humaitys doom and the colapse of life on earth.

its green