> Do you think this study that shows no Global Warming in 26 years will get as much attention as that 25 year old gal at t

Do you think this study that shows no Global Warming in 26 years will get as much attention as that 25 year old gal at t

Posted at: 2015-03-12 

If it doesn't warm for the next 25 years the cause will be blamed on the warming planet, or that it would have been even colder if it weren't for warming, or both.

I think it will get way more attention (and probably more attention than it's due). Certainly I had heard about McKitrick's study, but had never heard about the woman that was to give the keynote address until your question.

It's interesting that so much of the anti-global warming science is done by evangelical Christians.


Periods of global warming get about 1000 times the press coverage as periods of no global warming.

From anti-science kooks addicted to copy-pasting many-times-already recycled fossil fuel industry deception yes.


Of course not it will not be mentioned, they are not interested in scientific studies that do not confirm with their mandate that man is causing climate warming.

AGW is imaginary and it has no base in reality
