> How many of the world's fifty largest oil and gas companies are based in Italy?

How many of the world's fifty largest oil and gas companies are based in Italy?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
Dook is a waste of space and people who answer his questions are bigger wastes of space. I wish I could just block out his questions since that would be a useful feature. You are correct. He obviously is just trying to run the numbers up. To me it is more like babbling idiocy.

I see

you either get paid by some company to write Q&As on yahoo answers or you have a severe mental disorder.



I hate pop-quizzes!

This is another one of the Dorkster's questions. Since it is an obviously stupid question as he even gives the answer by presenting a chart, one can surmise that it is a thinly veiled attempt to pump up his cronies BAs. Or it could be a test to see if his cronies can even read a chart.

I guess Linny passed and he will get a gold star from Al Gore.